Art Investment

«Звезда» Алексея Гинтовта на AI Аукционе

Рубиновая кремлевская звезда, изначально сделанная по эскизу советского академика и лауреата пяти сталинских премий Федора Федоровского, входит в число главных образов в творчестве самого известного этатиста в современном русском искусстве

ten years ago only one mention of the name Belyaev-Гинтовта the liberal camp art-сообщества rose indignant murmur. The culmination of long-standing confrontation was the presentation of the artist Kandinsky Prize in 2008, which was held under scans "shame on the jury!" from the old enemy. Scandal in the hall was not enough. Then there were protests, and the division into "us" and "them", and press with a bias in the persecution. In the Wake of the scandal with the prize of the critics did not miss the pleasure to compare the aesthetics Gintovt with "Triumph of the will" by Leni Riefenstahl's monumental propaganda Arno Breker — favorites of the leadership of the Third Reich. Some of the most frustrated critics have reached the point that began to operate with labels like "nationalist" and absolutely blatant insults. It's forbidden, but then it was pretty common practice. In the first days after award to the artist leaned a crowd, what has become very very clear who's enforces totalitarianism, and who represents dissent. Finally, the parties let off steam, calm down. But before all tired and satisfied to return to their embrasures, as there's fuel to the fire poured himself Gintovt. Took and drove a new exhibition in Chechnya. Yes, it is not a simple exhibition, with Golden portraits of the Hero of Russia Akhmat-Хаджи Kadyrov. Now this news from the chairs came already from all — and the liberals with leftists and patriots with nationalists. Feels to stand in that time only managed associates Gintovt for the Eurasian movement, where the artist responsible for the art style. Eurasians at that time had decided that they fully support the President, — so that the nobles lick.

To what it I Ted our recent past? Mainly for understanding why the conversation about the art of Alexei Gintovt still often is in a raised voice. (By the way, the editors AI in this sense is also non-uniform.) But all this means at least that the social message of the author expressed in his work, leaves few people indifferent. Too powerful charge and a very clear message contains every project. Clear, categorical, not without kinks, and for many uncomfortable. And indeed, the ability to subtly piss off art-общественность from the left to the right flank, the artist just can not refuse.

the Artist Alexei Gintovt (b. 1965, him more know still double surname Belyaev-Гинтовт) — Muscovite, education architect. Graduated from the architectural College with honors, then studied at the faculty of urban planning of the Moscow architectural Institute. In the time of perestroika Gintovt was with people: punks, squats, nihilists... At the end of 1988-го (for reference: the year of adoption of the USSR law on cooperatives), the artist became friends with the leaders of the Free Academy of Boris Yukhananov, where the rector of the Department of painting was the artist and Novikov. The number of associates — SergeyKuryokhin, Oleg Garkusha, Viktor Tsoi, many artists and musicians from those we know in a circle "Pop-механики" and the film "ASSA". With these people, as he told the Gintovt, match the biography, the fate of, disposition. Actually, it was Timur Novikov and formulated the key idea, which for nearly 30 years, consistently develops Gintovt. Its essence is briefly described at first glance paradoxical slogan: "the Future — in the past." In the sense that by far the most avant-garde is, oddly enough, appeal to tradition, to the old values, classic clear and majestic beauty. Hence came the concept of "new seriousness" with its hope of the triumph of centripetal processes in the state. And here we must look for the origins of the treatment Gintovt to its main direction, which is called: the traditionalism, the new Russian classicism, the Imperial vanguard, the "new Empire". That is the subsequent meeting of the artist with Dugin and the adoption of ideas of Eurasianism is likely to have only strengthened and has contributed to a clearer emphasis on artistic ideas and techniques that have been found much earlier.

Techniques Gintovt have long tended to the technical simplicity. In the last ten years, the inventory of the artist — is a canvas, black or red printing offset ink, gold or mimic his design, Yes the stencils bare hands, which he applies the paint. A bet on a minimum of means Gintovt was intentional: "The more limited the artist in the choice of means, the greater the result. Redundancy hurts the project. ...I was always important to find the decision easier of which can not be. Continuing this line of the marginal savings, we can say that the drawing prints — it is the last degree of stinginess means". So, the two colors were made for many of the artist's projects, including his most famous "Rodina-дочь". Won the Kandinsky-2008 painting "Brothers and sisters" — four hundred and seventeen carved in stencils of individuals, each printed by hand on gold — as once belonged to this cycle.

But before Gintovt sometimes even more succinctly. No gold, no paint and no stencils. In 2001, he together with his colleague Andrei Molodkin (most likely, remember his dollar and a crucifix in a plexiglass filled with oil) made a series of "Novonovosibirsk". It was a project — dream about the future, the new capital of a strong state in the upper reaches of the Ob river. The work was accompanied by a tremendous: technically, all of the gigantic four-meter of work of the project was drawn only ballpoint pens. In the project first heard the phrase "nuclear Orthodoxy" articulated by artists for 6 years before Putin and Kolmogorov. However, at the time it was still not an established term, not a doctrine, but only an artistic image and expressive name of the picture with a submarine with a wheel in the shape of a cross.

"Novonovosibirsk" was time-consuming, program, important, but not the most resonant project Belyaeva-Гинтовта. Much more famous are still "Rodina-дочь", "Victory Parade 2937", and made a lot of noise series of "eschatological posters".

a Central piece of the cycle "Rodina-дочь" was the painting "Brothers and sisters". This is just for her gave Gintovt Kandinsky Prize, 2008-м in the category "project of the year". 5-метровый canvas, covered with gold leaf, the artist hand prints covered in ink, moved the story of the famous war photography. The vast human crowd at the speaker strains to hear the appeal of Stalin July 3, 1941 —, which first heard the appeal to the people "...Brothers and Sisters! ...I am addressing you...". Awareness of the tragedy, the moment of spiritual unity and internal mobilization.

"Victory Parade 2937", according to the plan Gintovt, the winners take on the red square that has changed little in nearly a thousand years. Fortunately, the people at that time did not disappear. Moreover, acquired new allies: together with the people in the square in orderly rows of marching aliens. In the sky above the solemn pillars fly starships. And looks at it a colossal statue of Responsibility (as opposed to the statue of Liberty). Starships, of course, have the form of the Kremlin ruby stars. Solemn and powerful. Needless to say, that the project "Victory Parade 2937" Gintovt again got hard from art-критики — they say too many shocking references to the aesthetics of Soviet propaganda.

What about the market of works of Alexei Gintovt? It is almost entirely private and gallery. That is quite closed. The exhibitions deals the gallery "Triumph". On the auction of his works were yet very few, public sales was still only two. The most recent of them, incidentally, was recorded on our AI Auction in early September. The work — skull, Adam's head on a gold background — was very beautiful, but small. Expose on our current auction "Star" 8 times more. It is not just painting meter size, but also the theme of the right — favorite artist of the symbol. So realistic expectations are, but in General will not be surprised at any result, because the auction history is being written before our eyes.

However, scant information about the auction sales — is perhaps the only informational gap. Other materials about the creative work of Alexey Gintovt. Some articles and interviews — dozens, maybe hundreds. And it is very interesting reading. Onthe artist spoke almost all famous and savvy people — from Ekaterina Degot to Alexander Borovsky. Future collectors will be interested in —, I promise. But keep in mind that most of the texts about the Gintovt — emotional, often addressed to "his" and "others", "friends" and "foes". Some say that it is "Very challenging. I such would not take." Others conclude: "So, good boots, we must take." Read everything, but most importantly — do not rush to conclusions and immediately take-то side. I would suggest more to trust not even the arguments of the critics, and interviews with the artist himself, his performances on youtube and those materials where there is direct speech. And of course, the most important — to watch more films. And then rely on their own analysis, intuition, reasonable skepticism and nasmotrenny eyes. For and is art — to evoke feelings, thoughts, and sometimes disputes.


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