Art Investment


NIKIFOROV Semyon Gavrilovich

31 января (12 февраля) 1877 (anosino village of the Tver province) — 12 (25), 1912 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist

From a peasant family. Studied in MUZHVZ (1896-1903) А. С. Степанова with 1900 в workshop В. А. Серова and К. А. Коровина. In 1899-1900 for a study from nature and drawings was awarded two small silver medals. In 1901 he received the title neklassnogo (free) artist. In 1903, for the painting "Rest" was awarded big silver medal and conferred title of class artist. In 1906-1907 listening to the highest rate Moscow school of painting, in 1910-1911 as a pensioner of the College traveled to Italy, visited Rome, but from-за illness was forced to return to Moscow.

he Lived in Moscow and Cazenove in the village of Ryazan province. Travelled along the Volga (1903, 1905), in Crimea (1902, 1909). He painted landscapes, portraits, genre paintings, the image of the Church.

From 1897 — participant of exhibitions (student MUZHVZ). A member and Exhibitor TPHV (since 1905, a participant in exhibitions 1904-1911)@CPX semicolon (1910). Participated in exhibitions of the Moscow fellowship of artists (1904), Moscow society of art lovers (1904, 1906), the world exhibition in Rome (1911).

he Taught at MUZHVZ (1906).

a Memorial exhibition of the artist held in Moscow (1912, 1913), Ryazan (1920, 1972). Memories of Nikiforova left Я. Д. Минченков (published: Minchenkov Я. Д. Воспоминания about the Wanderers. L., 1980).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery; the most significant collection of works (over 100 предметов) has the Ryazan regional art Museum. И. П. Пожалостина.

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