Art Investment


OSIPOV E. Alexander

6 июня 1892  (, Kashin County, Tver province) — 1981 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist

From a peasant family. Original art education in the icon workshop in St. Petersburg (mid 1900-х). He studied at the Drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of arts (1905-1915) Н. К. Рериха and А. А. Рылова, the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts (1915-1917) Г. Р. Залемана, А. В. Маковского, И. И. Творожникова.

he Lived in Moscow (1917). Wrote thematic paintings, landscapes, portraits. Worked in book and magazine graphics. Artist-корреспондент "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Worked on the poster. In 1960-е went to work on "creative giving"; visited the mission in Transcarpathia, Ukraine, in the Crimea, the Caucasus.

participated in exhibitions of the group "Art — workers" (1925/1926, 1928) in Moscow. Member MSCH — MOSH (1939). In 1930-70-е in active exhibition activity was not involved. Conducted a series of personal exhibitions in Moscow (1973).

he Taught drawing and painting in the schools of Moscow, including the Moscow art school.

the Father of the artist Т. А. Осиповой (1924-1989), grandfather of the artist of theatre-декорационного art М. В. Федоровой (b. 1952).

Work is represented in several Museum collections, including the State historical Museum, State Central Museum of contemporary history of Russia and others.

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