Art Investment



28 марта (9 апреля) 1893 (Moscow) — 8 декабря 1921 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist, set designer

he Studied at the Art school Ф. И. Рерберга in Moscow (late 1900-х — start 1910-х).

he Lived in Moscow. He painted landscapes depicting monuments of ancient architecture, genre paintings; many worked in the techniques of tempera, gouache, pastels. Author paintings: "Landscape" (1905), "the Monastery" (1909), "Ancient Cathedral on the town" (1911), "Sunny day" (1912), "the Courtyard of the Abbot", "Sailed to the fair" (both — 1913), "Rostov the Great" (1913), "Yaroslavl" (1914), "Evening gold," "In the swim" (both — 1915), "the Corner of the square. Rostov the Great", "the Mound" (both — 1917), "The barge" (1919), "the Inn" (1920); cycles of drawings, "Of trips on the Volga and the Oka" (1907), travel sketches (1913), "the Town of Voskresensk" (1916).

From 1914 работал as a theatrical costume designer. Participated in the design performances of "Tsar's bride" Н. А. Римского-Корсакова (1914), "La Bayadere" Л. Минкуса (1915) at the Bolshoi theatre, "Slaves" П. П. Гнедича (1920) in a Small theatre. After the October revolution worked in 1-м mobile theater Rogozhskaya-Симоновского district of Moscow (the former theatre "Volcano"), where he created costumes and scenery for productions of: "the Sunken bell" Г. Гауптмана "the landlady" К. Гольдони "Poverty is no crime" А. Н. Островского, "Commoners", "the day" А. М. Горького (all — 1918-1919).

From 1910 — participated in exhibitions. Member of the society of "Modern painting" (1913-1917, with breaks). He showed his works at exhibitions of the Moscow society of art lovers (1911, 1913), the Association "Free art" (1912), "Artists — fellow soldiers", "Artists of Moscow — victims of the war" (both — 1914), 1@and 2 ndashй-й exhibitions of paintings of the professional Union of artists-живописцев (1918) in Moscow. A posthumous exhibition was held in 1922 в Moscow.

Work is represented in several Museum of regional meetings, including in the Ryazan regional art Museum.

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