graphic designer, photographer
From a family of engineer-путейца. He received his General education in primary school at the Seminary. Studied at Art-ремесленной workshop decorative painting of the Kharkov literacy society (1911-1914) Л. И. Тракала and on the same course with В. Д. Ермиловым Kharkiv art College (1915-1918) А. А. Кокеля, М. Р. Пестрикова, А. М. Любимова; the school met Г. А. Цапком and В. В. Бобрицким.
he Lived in Kharkov. Was engaged in painting churches under the guidance of artist-декоратора А. Г. Гончаренко (1914-1915). Worked as an assistant theatrical decorator М. Я. Офенгендта in the Summer operetta theatre (1915). In 1916-1917 with В. В. Бобрицким he designed the play "Brandt" Г. Ибсена in Kharkov drama theatre.
In those same years, entered the Kharkov group of Cubists-futurists "Union of seven" (together with В. В. Бобрицким, Г. А. Цапком, Н. М. Мищенко, Н. Л. Калмыковым, Б. Цибисом, В. Дьяковым). Participated in the publication and the design of the album "Seven plus Three" (1918), the registration books of poetry В. В. Маяковского, В. В. Хлебникова, Б. Л. Пастернака several numbers of the magazine "Ears" (with Н. М. Мищенко and Б. Цибисом), the artistic space of the theatre-кабаре "House of artist" (jointly with Г. А. Цапком and В. В. Бобрицким). The group participated in the exhibition "Union of arts" in Kharkov (7 мая — 1 июня 1918).
Performed the design of the performances of "the Ascension of Hannele Mattern" Г. Гауптмана that "pan" S. van Lerberghe, "dog the gardener" by Lope de VEGA, "Brandt" Г. Ибсена, "Sister Beatrice" М. Метерлинка also, "Jews" Е. Н. Чирикова (all — 1919, together with В. В. Бобрицким) 1-го Soviet Kharkov drama theatre.
in the Summer of 1919 left Kharkov with parts of the White army А. И. Деникина. In 1920 appeared in Odessa. Worked in Gosizdat. He was appointed head of the art workshop at Yugrosta soon —, the team leader for both workshops (poster and art) Yugrosta. He worked as a poster artist. Was in the campaign train, the streets of the city to the revolutionary holidays, in particular, has developed the project of decoration of the Pushkin street to the Congress of the third international. Worked in the theater "Red torch" (performances of "Green parrot" А. Шницлера, "cricket on the hearth" by Ч. Диккенсу).
In June 1921 вернулся to Kharkov in connection with the transfer there Yugrosta workshops. He created sketches of costumes and scenery for the State academic theatre ("the Servant of two masters" К. Гольдони, 1922); theatre "Skazka" ("Ali-Нур (Star child)" О. Уайльду, 1922); theatre of the people's house ("Bourgeois Gentilhomme" Ж.-Б. Мольера, 1922); 1-го State children's theatre ("Faust in the city" А. В. Луначарского That "Boom and Yule" Н. Г. Шкляра, "the bear and the Pasha" О. Э. Скриба all — 1923; "Huveane" А. И. Белецкого, "Nick Stupin" С. А. Ауслендера all — 1924), Krasnozavodskaya theatre of Kharkiv ("the Mandate" Н. Р. Эрдмана, "Paris (Penalty Salva)" С. Прокофьева on Э. Золя both — 1925; "chasing two hares" М. П. Старицкого, 1928; "members of the Komsomol" М. Первомайского, 1930) and others.
member of the Association of artists (1923). Together with В. Г. Меллером and Г. А. Цапком illustrated album "Science and religion". As a photographer he worked as an assistant cameraman on the film "Earth" А. П. Довженко (1930).
In the 1930-40-х worked as an artist at Kharkiv theater of Ukrainian drama named after. Т. Г. Шевченко for which he designed the performances "Solo flute" И. К. Микитенко (1932), "Martin-Боруля" И. К. Карпенко-Карого (1934), "Yaroslav the Wise" И. А. Кочерги (1946), and in Kharkiv youth theatre, where designed the productions of "the Miser" Ж.-Б. Мольера (1937), "Willy-телесик" А. И. Шияна (1938), "the snow Queen" Е. Л. Шварца (1939), "the musicians of Bremen" by the brothers Grimm (1940) and others. The design for the Opera "Yaroslav the Wise" was awarded the State (Stalin) prize for 1947 год.
during the great Patriotic war they were in evacuation in Novosibirsk (1941-1944), after his return lived in Lviv (before 1950-х), then — in Kharkov.
From 1914 — participant of exhibitions (17-я the exhibition of the society of Kharkiv artists). Exhibited: "the Artist today" (1927), 14-я regional exhibition "Artists of Kharkov to 40-летию October" (1957) in Kharkov, traveling art exhibition of Association of contemporary artists of Ukraine in the village of Kamianske Zaporizhia region and Dnipropetrovsk (1928), the international exhibition of theatre-декорационного art in new-Йорке (1934), the exhibition dedicated to the works of the great Russian playwright А. Н. Островского in connection with the 50-летием since the death in Moscow (1936), 2-й the exhibition of works of Soviet artists of Lviv, on the 150-летию birthday А. С. Пушкина in Lviv (1949). A member of the Union of artists of USSR (from 1944).
he Taught at the Kharkiv art Institute — Kharkov art@the Institute ndashпромышленном in the Studio theatre-декорационной painting (1931), Professor (1952).
Work is represented in many Museum collections.
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