Art Investment


EISENSTEIN Sergei Mikhailovich

10 января 1898 (Riga) — 11 февраля 1948 (Moscow)

Filmmaker, theorist, painter, set designer

From a family of engineer-строителя М. О. Эйзенштейна. He graduated from the Riga Realschule. He studied at the Petrograd Institute of civil engineers (second half of 1910-х). Formal artistic education is not received.

between 1918 and served as a volunteer in the red Army; worked as a set designer in an army of Amateur and was involved in designing the campaign train. In 1920 he was sent to continue his education at the Academy of the General staff of the Eastern Department. In those same years, he entered an artist and instructor working in the First mobile company Proletkult; acted as a theater Director: he staged "the Mexican" (1920, in the book of John. London), "Moscow, do you hear?" (1922), "the Wise man" (1923, the play А. Н. Островского), "Masks" (1924).

In 1921-1922 учился at the State higher directing workshops (GVYRM) В. Э. Мейерхольда. During his studies helped in the creation of scenery for a number of productions. In 1923 he became close with the members of the group LEF — В. В. Маяковским and other; published in the same magazine his creative Manifesto "Montage of attractions".

Worked at the First factory of Goskino. In 1924 he filmed the first feature film "Strike" (silver medal at the International exhibition of modern decorative-промышленных arts in Paris, 1925). Director of "Battleship Potemkin" (1925), "October" (1927, together with Г. В. Александровым), "the General line" (1929).

In 1929-1932 находился in a mission abroad to study Western experience in the field of cinema. In parallel, he lectured in Hamburg, Berlin, London, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Brussels. In Hollywood offered several scripts for the film adaptation of; in 1930 he signed a contract with Paramount Pictures for a film adaptation of the novel Т. Драйзера "an American tragedy", but after a few months after starting work on the script for a film company broke off the contract. In 1930-1932 снял a lot of scenes in Mexico to film "Viva Mexico!".

In 1932 he returned to the Soviet Union where I focused on theoretical research and teaching activities. Lectured at the State Institute of cinematography (since 1932), Professor (1937). The author of the books "the Meaning of the film" (1942) and "Shape of film" (1949), which sought to formulate the principles of color, sound and montage in cinema. In 1935 he was awarded the title of honored art worker of the RSFSR.

In 1938 he directed his first sound film "Alexander Nevsky" (awarded the title of doctor of arts, awarded the order of Lenin and State (Stalin) prize), 1944-1945 — the first part of "Ivan the terrible" (the State (Stalin) prize); has designed sets and costumes for "Ivan the terrible".

in Parallel throughout life was engaged in figure, a large portion of his drawings was published after his death ("Sergei Eisenstein. Drawings" Album. M., 1961). Created cartoons, semi-abstract and figurative compositions, engaged in erotic graphics. From 1915 post their erotic pictures in Petrograd periodicals under the pseudonym of "Sir Gay". In 1932 he held his exhibition of American paintings in new-йоркской the gallery John Becker.

Posthumous exhibition of Eisenstein's drawings were held in 1998 in Moscow (the Pushkin Museum to them. А. С. Пушкина) and 2004 (gallery "Ark"). The schedule is in several Museum and private collections, including in the Russian state archive of literature and art.

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