Art Investment


Eisenberg Nina Yevseyevna

June 14, 1902 (Moscow) - December 19, 1974 (Moscow)

painter, graphic artist, set designer.

Art education has received in VHUTEMAS in Moscow, where he worked from 1918 to 1924 under the leadership of I. Mashkov and AA Osmyorkin. In 1924 began working as a set designer in various theaters of Moscow, engaged in design, both classical plays and contemporary plays. Since 1925 participated in exhibitions.

Since 1926, cooperated with the theater of "Blue shirt", created costumes and scenery for productions of "Radio-October" VV Mayakovsky and Osip Brik, The Queen made a mistake "MD Volpin (both - 1927) and others. In 1928 the work of Eisenberg exhibited at "Moscow theaters October decades. In 1928 joined the Moscow Association of Artists, decorators. In 1929, "registered staging JB Moliere's "Bourgeois Gentilhomme" for the Maly Theater. In the same year participated in the exhibition n ervoy theatrical decorative art in Moscow.

In 1930 became a member of the artistic association "October", where she worked together with GG Klutsis, Rodchenko, S. J. Sen'kina. In 1930-1933 worked festive decoration streets of Moscow in the late 1930's and early 1940's - sporting events and parades. In the 1950's created a series of landscapes.

In 1946, Russia held a solo exhibition of the artist.

in 1991 in Jerusalem was an exhibition of theatrical works Eisenberg.

Eisenberg works are in many museum and private collections, in particular in the State Central Theater Museum im. AA Bakhrushin collection of theatrical-decorative art NI Lobanov-Rostov and others.

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