the Designer-оформитель of buildings and urban spaces, architect, stage designer, poster artist, master of book design
In 1912-1917 he studied at the Stroganov-промышленном school in Moscow В. Е. Егорова, П. В. Кузнецова, А. С. Янова. In 1918-1920 he studied at the First state free art workshops (GShM), workshop Г. Б. Якулова.
Since 1919 he participated in exhibitions of the Society of young artists (IBMOHU) in Moscow, where he exposed tsvetokorrektsii, design of glass and metal, industrial models, design posters.
Created the scenery for the play "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles in State Exemplary theater. Performed propaganda posters. In 1921 began working at the Institute of artistic culture (INKHUK). In 1922-1931 worked (initially together with К. К. Медунецким) in the Moscow Chamber theater under the direction of А. Я. Таирова on the design of performances of "Yellow jacket" Benrime and D. D. of Hazleton (not implemented), "Phaedra" Ж.-Б. Racine (together with А. А. Весниным), "Babylonian legal counsel" А. Б. Мариенгофа "Lightning" А. Н. Островского, "Saint John" Б. Шоу "Conirol" П. Г. Антокольского, А. П. Глобы, В. Г. Зака, В. З. Масса, "the Hairy APE" and "desire under the elms" Ю. О'Нила, "Day and night" Ш. Лекока, "Sirocco" Л. А. Половинкина, "Negro" Ю. О'Нила, "Natalia Carpova" С. А. Семенова, "the Opera of beggars" Б. Брехта and К. Вайля "Line of fire" Н. Н. Никитина.
From 1923 worked on the creation of movie posters. Issued Revolution square and Sverdlov to the festive celebrations.
In 1924 he participated together with Medunetsky ("Constructivists") 1-й discussion exhibition Associations active revolutionary art (Moscow). In 1925-1926 at the International exhibition art-декоративных arts in Paris was awarded a silver medal for his work. Participated in the second exhibition of film posters (1926, Moscow), the exhibition "Poster in the service of five" (the first all-Union exhibition poster) (1932, Moscow), the exhibition "Artists of RSFSR for XV years" (1917-1932) (1933, Moscow).
In 1933, died in a car accident.
Works Г. А. Стенберга exhibited at the international exhibition of theatre-декорационного art (1934, new-Йорк, Chicago, Los-Анджелес, etc.), the exhibition "Artists of the Soviet theatre" (1917-1935) (1935, Leningrad), the exhibition "Artists of the Soviet theatre for XVII years" (1917-1934) (1935, Moscow), the exhibition dedicated to the works of the great Russian playwright А. Н. Островского in connection with the 50-летием from the date of death (1936, Moscow), the exhibition artists of the Soviet poster (1948, Moscow) and others.
In the works of the very traced the rejection of "pure art" in favor of the idea of industrial constructivism with distinctive functionality, utility. Along with Л. С. Поповой, А. М. Родченко, В. Ф. Степановой he has become a pioneer in new areas of artistic forces, which was the design.
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