Art Investment


BUROV Nikolay Gerasimovich

21 апреля (3 мая) 1899 (Ivanovo-Вознесенск Vladimir province) — after 1972 (?)

Painter, graphic artist, sculptor

he Studied at the VKhUTEMAS in Moscow (1920-1926) А. С. Голубкиной, А. А. Осмеркина.

he Lived in Ivanovo and Moscow. Wrote thematic paintings, landscapes, portraits: "the Shooting of О. М. Генкиной in Ivanovo-Вознесенске in 1905 году" (1926), "the Shooting of workers in Ivanovo-Вознесенске in 1915 году" (1927), "Combat patrol" (1939), "the Partisans" (1947). The author of portraits of the poet А. В. Ноздрина (1930), old Bolshevik И. Г. Спорышева (1943), sculptural portraits А. С. Пушкина (1954), painter И. Н. Нефедова (1957), М. В. Фрунзе (1959), the revolutionaries С. И. Балашова (1955), И. В. Бабушкина (1957), Г. С. Зиновьева (1963), Ф. Н. Самойлова (1964).

From 1925 — participated in exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor Association "Moscow painters" (1925), one of the founders of the Ivanovo-Вознесенского branch AHRR — akhr (1926-1932). Participated in regional art exhibitions in Ivanovo (1940, 1945-1946, 1947, 1955, 1957, 1966); the exhibition of works of artists of the Union republics, Autonomous republics and oblasts of the RSFSR (1945), works of artists of the RSFSR (1957), all-Union art box (1957) in Moscow and others. Had a solo exhibition in Ivanovo (1965). A member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

he Taught at the Proletkult workshop (1928 to 1933), Ivanovo art College (1940-1950), the Studio artists textile (1951-1955), Studio at the Ivanovo branch of the Union of artists of the USSR (1955-1959); all — Ivanovo. Among the students — В. М. Белов, Н. П. Родионова.

In the mid 1930-х was repressed; was in exile in Ussuri territory, worked on the construction of the channel "Moscow-Волга". After world war II are excluded from the Union of Soviet artists and teachers of the Ivanovo art school.

the Work represented in the Ivanovo regional art Museum.


1. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. P. 120.


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