Art Investment



January 13, 1813 (St. Petersburg) - March 27, 1887 (St. Petersburg)

painter, graphic artist, architect (known more as an actor)

son of an opera singer and VM Samoilov and drama and opera actress SV Chernikova-Samoilova. In 1829 he graduated from Mountain Cadet Corps, where he received initial art education in 1830 - St. Petersburg Forest Institute. In 1830-1834 was in the service in the Department of Forests ship. In 1835 left the service and made his debut on stage at the St. Petersburg opera EN Megyulya "Joseph". In 1835-1875 - Drama actor Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.

With the ability to quickly transform image quickly gained popularity, particularly well behaved in vaudeville repertoire: "The student, chorister, an artist and a swindler" FA Horses (1839), "That what it means to fall in love with an actress! "(1841)," Actor "" A mother's blessing, or the Poverty and honor "Nekrasov (both - 1842). Played well in the play by Ivan Turgenev, Alexander Ostrovsky, A. Sukhovo-Kobylin, AF Pisemsky, AK , Tolstoy, William Shakespeare.

since 1845 regularly toured in Nizhny Novgorod, Kharkov, Kiev, Moscow and other cities of Russia. In 1853, 1857, 1860, 1863 went to Germany in 1863 - in France. In 1875, over forty years service in the Alexandrinsky Theater awarded the Gold Medal for Distinguished Service in 1884 in connection with the fiftieth anniversary of the stage was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir of IV degree. To 1885 occasionally appeared on the stages of private clubs and theaters, mostly for charity.

As an artist, was formed independently. Since the early years of stage work done preparatory and pencil drawings of their roles. In order to earn additional income painted, acted drawings. Exhibited his work at academic fairs. Participated in the Society for the Promotion of Artists. In 1867, he filed a petition with the IAH to receive the title of class artist of the 3rd degree, but was refused. In 1868, for the execution of the program "Project conference room for the Academy of Arts" was awarded the title neklassnogo (free), painter of architecture. In November of that year, once again asked about the title of the artist's 3rd degree on the architecture of the "Project House magistrate", but again without success.

worked as an illustrator in magazines, edited by Kony, in the Literary Gazette, the magazine "Repertoire and the Pantheon", "Art Magazine" (1860 - 1880). A friend of I. Repin (who painted a portrait of Samoilova), Ivan Aivazovsky, K. Bryullov, FG Solntsev, M . Glinka, A. Dargomyzhsky and other representatives of Russian culture.

Samoilova works are in many museum collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin and others.

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