Painter, graphic artist, sculptor
From a working-class family. Initial art education has received in the art Studio of Palace of pioneers them. А. А. Жданова (1941) М. А. Гороховой, С. Д. Левина. During the siege of Leningrad taken by the mother to relatives in Novgorod region. He studied at the Leningrad secondary art school (1944-1949; excluded), the Leningrad sanitary-гигиеническом medical Institute (1954-1956) for the purpose of professional study of anatomy.
he Lived in Leningrad, in 1977 — emigrated; for a short time lived in Austria, then moved to Paris. Wrote city landscapes and genre scenes in an expressive manner: "the Cathedral", "After the storm" (both — 1948), "White nights" (1949). The representative of the informal Leningrad art 1950-70-х. Was friendly with the artists М. М. Шемякиным, В. Г. Трауготом, В. Н. Шагиным, Р. Р. Васми, Н. А. Шварцем.
In 1956 был arrested and convicted of forging medical prescriptions, in 1959 освобожден; in 1965 вторично convicted of disorderly conduct.
1959 — party apartment exhibitions, since 1965 — official exhibitions. Member of the Leningrad city Committee of artists (1966). Participated in 1-й officially permitted exhibition of artists-нонконформистов in DK И. И. Газа in Leningrad (1974). Held a number of solo apartment exhibitions (the В. Д. Кекелидзе, К. Е. Лильбока). A member and Exhibitor of informal artistic associations: "the Order reproduise painters" (1950), the Association of experimental exhibitions (since 1975), Association of Jewish artists of Leningrad "Aleph" (1976).
he was Buried at the Red cemetery in St. Petersburg.
Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them — of the State Russian Museum, State Museum of history St.-Петербурга, the State Tretyakov gallery, the art Museum "Zimmerli" in new-Брансвике (state of new-Джерси).
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