Art Investment


GRIGORYEV, Aleksandr Konstantinovich

on 23 August (4 September) 1837 (St-Петербург) — after 1886

Painter, draftsman; copyist

From a noble family; the son of a titular Counsellor К. И. Григорьева. He studied at the Imperial Academy of arts (1851-1863) in the class of historical painting in А. Т. Маркова. During the years of study was three times awarded small silver (1851, 1858), twice — large silver (1861, 1862) medals. In 1863 for the program, "Moses exudes water from a stone" received a small gold medal. Member of the "revolt of fourteen", the scandalous refusal of the students of the Academy compete to receive a large gold medal. Out of the Academy with the title of class artist of 2-й degree.

Lived in St.-Петербурге. In 1861-1864 — pensioner Society for the encouragement of arts; to order OPH has implemented a number of drawings of the works of the old masters ("the agony in the garden" Б. Э. Мурильо; "the virgin" by Titian). Together with И. Н. Крамским participated in painting the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow (1865).

Carried portraits, compositions on historical and biblical themes, image for churches. Member of the Artel of artists (1863-1867). In 1868 presented to the Council of the Imperial "Portrait Г. Воронова" was awarded the title of class artist 1-й degree "in painting historical and portrait".

Performed the icon "George the victorious" for the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Atkarsk in Saratov province (1877), composition "the last supper" for the Church of the parish of Alexin, Tula province (1882). Participated in the execution of posters for plays, timed to coincide with the celebrations of the coronation of Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna (1883).

Exhibited in the halls of the Imperial Academy of arts (1862/1863, 1868, 1870).

Work is represented in several Museum collections, among them — of the State Russian Museum, Science-исследовательский Museum of the Russian Academy of fine arts, Tula regional art Museum.


  1. Bulgakov Ф. И. Наши artists (Painters, sculptors, mosaic artists and engravers). Academic exhibitions of the last 25-летия. St. Petersburg, 1889, vol. 1. S. 125.
  2. Kondakov С. Н. Список Russian artists. For the anniversary directory of the Imperial Academy of arts. St. Petersburg, 1914. P. 54.
  3. Artists of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1976, vol. 3. S. 173.

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