Art Investment

Barashov Mikhail Vasilievich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Barashev


BRASOV (Barashev) Mikhail V.

28 сентября (10 октября) 1897 (village Barakovo Vyatka province) — 7 сентября 1962 (Astrakhan)

graphic artist of the theatre

From a peasant family. He graduated from the gymnasium in Kazan. She studied at the historical-филологическом faculty of Kazan University (end of 1910-х, did not graduate). As a volunteer in 1919 joined the Red Army in 1920 — demobilized. He continued his studies at the Kazan art-техническом Institute (Aromas, 1921-1924) В. Э. Вильковисской, Н. И. Фешина; graduated with the title artist-практика by lithography.

he Lived in Kazan, Simferopol (from 1927), Astrakhan (from 1933). The participant of the great Patriotic war (1942-1945).

Worked in the techniques of lithography and etching. A landscape painter. The author of the series of etchings "the bottom Volga" (1951, 1960). Worked on poster, ex-libris. Researcher, instructor-литограф (1925), head of the lithographic workshop Argumosa (1925-1926).

As an artist-декоратор collaborated in Caste (Constructively-экспериментальная workshop of the Soviet theater in Kazan); has issued performances "Stenka Razin" В. В. Каменского (1924), "Princess Turandot" К. Гоцци (1925).

After their departure from Kazan (1927) worked in the theatres of Crimea — Simferopol, Sevastopol, Yalta, Kerch. He designed the performances of "mine No. 10" В. Н. Билль-Белоцерковского (1928), "Rails humming" В. М. Киршона (1929) to Simferopol drama theater. In 1930-1933 he worked in theaters of the Far East. In 1933-1962 — the main artist of the Astrakhan drama theatre. С. М. Кирова. He has designed over 150 спектаклей, among them — "Yegor Bulychov" (1934) and "the Last" (1936) А. М. Горького that "Cyrano de Bergerac" Э. Ростана (1938), "Lenin in 1918 году" Т. С. Златогоровой and А. Я. Каплера (1939), "the Kremlin chimes" Н. Ф. Погодина (1941, 1952), "For those who in the sea" Б. А. Лавренева (1946), "blow, wind" Я. Райниса (1952), "Theft" J. London (1955), "the Pious Martha" by Tirso de Molina (1958), "the Living corpse" Л. Н. Толстого (1961), "Leningrad prospect" И. В. Штока (1962) and others.

Since 1923 — participant of exhibitions ("Russian book mark", Kazan). A member of the staff of "the Horseman" (1923-1924), a member of the almanac (1923, No. 4); was a member and Exhibitor of Title (1925-1927), the Astrakhan branch of the Union of artists of the USSR (1936). Participated in exhibitions: 3-й the competitive exhibition of diploma work of the Kazan art-технического Institute (1924), Kazan poster (1929) in Kazan; works by artists-фронтовиков on the 25th-й the anniversary of the valiant red Army (1943), Astrakhan artists (regional, 1946-1949, 1951), a retrospective exhibition of works by Astrakhan artists dedicated 40-летию the great October socialist revolution (1957), the works of artists-астраханцев and artists, who studied or worked in Astrakhan on the 400-летию of the city (1958) in Astrakhan; works of theater and cinema artists of the Russian Federation in Moscow (1956). Had a solo exhibition in Astrakhan (1958).

he Taught at the Astrakhan art school. П. А. Власова (1936-1962), the course of art a folk art House in Astrakhan. Chairman of the arts Council of the Astrakhan branch of the Art Fund of the RSFSR.

a Memorial exhibition was held in Astrakhan (1967).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them — smfa. А. С. Пушкина State Museum of fine arts of the Republic of Tatarstan in Kazan, Astrakhan state art gallery them. Б. М. Кустодиева and others.

1. Aromas. Kazan vanguard 20-х. Catalogue of the exhibition. The Pushkin Museum of RT, Kazan, gallery "Art-Диваж", Moscow. M., 2005. S. 136.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1970, vol. 1. S. 288-289.

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