Art Investment

Grazhensky Vasily Vladimirovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Gold, N.I.Olgedz


GRAZINSKI Vasily Vladimirovich (aliases — gold, Н. И. Ольгедз)

1883 (Usolye, Irkutsk province) — 1920 (far East)


he Studied at the Irkutsk industrial school. Wrote satires, drawing cartoons for Newspapers of Irkutsk. Played cartoons album: "Catalogue of the exhibits, were not included in the exhibition “История Priamurye”" (Moscow, 1913). Khabarovsk is a member of the futuristic group "Green cat" (1918-1920).

he served in the Amur society of shipping and trade; using the situation, assisted in shoots political prisoners with Amur wheel road. In 1917 — assistant Commissioner of the Provisional government in the far East. In the Civil war; killed by white troops.

1. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1976, т. 3. S. 150.

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