Art Investment


TOOT Victor Sigizmundovich

16 июля 1893 (Budapest) — 1963 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist, designer, decorative artist-прикладного art

From the family of a craftsman — military tailor. Graduated from high school and military school in Budapest. He attended classes at the Academy of fine arts in Budapest (1913-1914). Participant of the First world war; was wounded in Galicia, fell into Russian captivity (1915). After treatment in a Moscow hospital, was sent together with the echelon of prisoners of war in Siberia; visited the camps and prisons of Tomsk, Omsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Verkhneudinsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok. The Civil war in Siberia on the side of the red Army (1919). Worked as an artist in the political administration of the East-Сибирского military district. In 1920 sent to study in Moscow.

he Studied at the VKhUTEMAS in Moscow (1920-1924) on graphic faculty at В. А. Фаворского, Д. Н. Кардовского, Н. А. Удальцовой, Р. Р. Фалька. In VKhUTEMAS met В. С. Кизевальтер in 1921 he married not her.

he Lived in Moscow. Member of the CPSU (since 1925). In 1927 he accepted Soviet citizenship. Worked as an artist-оформителем in Architectural-планировочном the Office of city Council (1930-1937). The main artist-оформитель Moscow (1937-1938). Participated in festive decoration of Moscow and Gorky Park.

was Engaged in easel graphics; executed mainly landscapes and portraits, he worked in watercolour and gouache, tushevogo drawing pen or brush.

23 августа 1937 denunciation was removed from work and expelled from the party. 20 февраля 1938 restored. 23 марта 1938 arrested on charges of counter-revolutionary activities, in June of the same year sentenced to 8 years penal-трудовых camps with the subsequent loss of civil rights. In 1939 В. С. Кизевальтер he's getting a retrial, but to no avail. The he served his time in the camp davidovo Arkhangelsk oblast and Udmurtia; worked at the club, has taught art to juvenile offenders. Created a series of drawings of the camp. Released in 1946.

Lived in Aleksandrov, Vladimir oblast (1946), 1947 — in the settlement of Proletariy of Novgorod region. Worked as an artist porcelain factory "Proletarian", in 1948 (?) — 1956 he was the chief artist of the plant. Fully rehabilitated in 1955, in 1959 he returned to Moscow. In 1960 he made a trip to Hungary.

member of the Association "October" (1928-1932), MSH (1932-1937). Participated in 1-й all-Ukrainian exhibition of the Association of revolutionary art of Ukraine (ARMU) in Kharkov (1927); exhibitions of Soviet art in Amsterdam, Riga, Winterthur (all — 1929), USA (1929, mobile); works of Moscow artists in Moscow (1936).

he Taught in VKhUTEMAS — Vhuteine (1924-1930); in 1924 вместе with Г. Г. Клуцисом, А. А. Лабасом, С. Алексеевым worked in the physical laboratory of the VKhUTEMAS; in 1928-1930 — Vice-rector for academic Affairs. Rector of Architecture-строительного Institute (1930). She also taught at Art-ремесленном school at the plant "Proletariat" of the Novgorod region.

Author of recollections of camp life: Toot В. С. Считаю days and hours / Our Heritage, 1988. No. 5. P. 44-51.

Work is represented in several Museum collections, including the Alexander literary-художественном the Museum of Marina and Anastasia tsvetaevas, the Museum's collection of the "memorial" society in Moscow.

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