Art Investment



3 июня 1906 (Moscow) — 1980 (Moscow)

painter, graphic

From the family of an engineer. He graduated from the 7-ю school MONO in Moscow Krivoarbatskom lane (1924). During his school years she began to study painting and drawing under the guidance of В. В. Фаворской and И. И. Чекмазова. Studied in VKhUTEMAS — Vhuteine (1924-1930) on painting faculty at К. Н. Истомина, Л. А. Бруни, С. В. Герасимова, А. Д. Древина, Р. Р. Фалька with 1927 — in the Studio Д. П. Штеренберга (did not graduate). In 1929, together with Л. П. Зусманом, В. С. Алфеевским went on a student internship in Leningrad.

she Lived in Moscow. Worked in the field of book graphics; collaborated on GIESE, the publishing house "Young guard". He performed a number of covers for the magazine "Murzilka". Created illustrations for books: "Chicken wool" Н. П. Саксонской That "Themselves" Н. С. Тихонова, "Sol" Э. М. Эмден (all — 1930), "a Tale of shadows" В. Б. Шкловского "Children laughing" М. Е. Кольцова (both — 1931) and others. In collaboration with В. С. Алфеевским issued books: "Companion Meter" М. А. Гершензона, "a Wonderful transformation of one chair" В. В. Смирновой, "the adventures of inventions" А. Ивича, books-картинки "Park of culture and recreation", "Clever car" (all — 1930), "Zamorana" В. В. Смирновой, books-картинки "At anchor", "Circus", "For new life" (all — 1931, the latter two not published).

was Engaged in easel graphics; worked a lot in watercolour and drawing ink. In 1931 was sent to the creative business in Baku. In the early 1930-х a short time he worked under contract in the Association "Artist".

during the great Patriotic war @the mdas trafaretka in the "TASS Windows" (1941-1942), then — correspondent for the sovinformbureau (1943-1947). In 1943-1949 collaborated in the Committee of Soviet women, the Slavic Committee as well as in the Newspapers "Evening Moscow", "Soviet art".

From 1931 — participant of exhibitions (reporting of works by artists, seconded to the regions of the industrial building and collective farms in Moscow). A member of OST (1928-1930), in exhibitions of the society did not participate. Exhibited: young artists (1934), painting, graphics and sculpture women-художников (1938) Moscow, international exhibition "Art of book" in Paris and Lyon (1931-1932), and others. Member of mosskh (SSH — MOSH).

the Author of memories; published in the collection "Panorama of arts`5". M., 1982.

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина State Russian Museum and others.

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