the Sculptor
Studied in the Studio of Ю. Р. Бершадского and the Art school in Odessa (1913-1914) Б. В. Эдуардса in the Cantonal school of fine arts in Lausanne, the graduate school of fine arts in Geneva (1915-1917) Д. Вибера; Vhutemase — Vhuteine in Moscow (1922-1927) Б. Д. Королева, И. М. Чайкова. In 1927 he completed graduate work — portrait В. И. Ленина.
In his years in Odessa he met the futurists — Д. Д. Бурлюком, В. В. Каменским; closer to В. В. Маяковским becoming the prototype of the heroine in the poem "a Cloud in trousers" (1914), was in correspondence with Mayakovsky. In 1916 in Geneva met with В. И. Лениным. In the Civil war — head of the art-агитационного division of the First Cavalry, then — Second Cavalry armies. Created posters, cartoons, and designed the campaign train. Was married to a member of the revolutionary military Council of the First Cavalry army General-полковником Е. А. Щаденко.
she Lived in Moscow. Worked in monumental and easel sculpture; portraitist. The author works: "Klim. 1919 (Organizer 1-й Cavalry army and a member of the revolutionary military Council К. Е. Ворошилов)" (1919), "the Commissar" (1923), "В. И. Ленин in a casket" (1924), "the Laundress" (1926), "Portrait Е. А. Щаденко" (1926), "On guard" (1927), "the Poet (В. В. Маяковский)" (1927), "Lenin in a cap" (1928), "the division commander 1-й and commander 2-й of Konami О. И. Городовиков" (1932), "В. И. Ленин" (1934), "Motherhood", "defense" (both — 1936), "Shchors" (1937), "Acute" (1937).
Since 1916 — participant of exhibitions (Lausanne, Geneva). A member and Exhibitor of the society of Russian sculptors (1927), AHRR — akhr (1926-1932), OMAHRR (1928). Participated in exhibitions: art works for 10-летнему the anniversary of the October revolution (1928), "Socialist construction in Soviet art" (1931), "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" (1933), Art exhibition dedicated to the 20-летию heroic First Cavalry army (1939) in Moscow; Moscow sculptors in Moscow and Leningrad (1937). Works were exhibited at the XVII (1930) and XVIII (1932) International exhibition of arts in Venice (1930); exhibitions of Soviet art in Switzerland (1931, Zurich, Bern, Geneva, Basel, St.-Галлен), Copenhagen (1933), Warsaw (1933).
he Committed suicide. Buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.
the Memorial exhibition of the sculptor took place in Moscow (2000).
the Work presented in the State Tretyakov gallery, Vyatka art Museum named after. В. М. and А. М. Васнецовых.
1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Sculpture of the first half of the twentieth century. Moscow, 2002, vol. 2. S. 172.
2. Konovalov Э. Г. Новый full biographical dictionary of Russian artists. M., 2008. S. 166.
3. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1976, vol. 3. S. 337.
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