the Sculptor, graphic artist arts-прикладного art
he Graduated from school in Bogorodsk. In 1919 he arrived in Moscow. Studied at the VKhUTEMAS in Moscow (1921-1923). During his studies he worked as assistant to artist-анималиста В. А. Ватагина and then, together Д. С. Моором as a graphic.
he Lived in Moscow, from 1949 — mainly in the suburban village of Sokolova Pustyn near Tarusa. In 1920-30-е drew for magazines "Young friend", "Friendly guys", "pioneer", "Murzilka", "Young Pathfinder". Illustrated children's books for publishers such as "Blue bird", GEEZ, "the Young guard", Izogiz, Detgiz (Detizdat), "Labor and knowledge": "Lobo, the king of Currumpaw" С. Томпсона (1923), "Lives, grows, moves" (1929 and 1931), "Beasts of prey — skins lush" (1928 and 1930) and "Firka and Gichka" (1942) С. З. Федорченко "the Moscow zoo" (1931, book-картинка), "Beasts and animals", "Mishkin neighbors" З. Н. Александровой (both — 1936), "the Garden" С. В. Михалкова (1936), "On the trail" В. В. Бианки (1946 and 1958), "the Tale about the brave hare" Д. Н. Мамина-Сибиряка (1952), "About the birds and the beasts" В. В. Чаплиной and Г. А. Скребицкого (1952), "Who cares about children" Г. А. Скребицкого (1955), "Teremok" М. А. Булатова (1957), tales of the "Unwanted guest", "the lost mouse" (both — 1965) and others.
Worked in monumental-декоративной, easel sculpture, sculpture of small forms. In 1930-1938 performed samples of toys made of papier-маше, rubber, plywood, wood: "the Red horse", "Elephant", "Zoo", "the poultry yard", "the Three bears", "Teremok".
Created the fountain "Pelican" (1935), the bas-relief frieze "Our reserves" (1957) for the Moscow zoo; group "Wolf and cubs" for Neskuchny garden (1938), the bas-reliefs for the pavilions, "Rabbit", "far" and "Herding", as well as animal figures for the pavilion "Livestock" at the agricultural exhibition (1939-1940). The author of the reliefs on the themes of fables И. А. Крылова on the steles at the monument to the fabulist in Kalinin (the author of the monument — С. Д. Шапошников).
In 1943-1949 worked on Gzhel ceramic factory; complied statues (majolica, terracotta) — "Sleeping foxes", "the Sleeping bear", "Sleeping Fox", "Himalayan black bear", decorative panels "Revenge (leopard and eagle)" (1943); tiles — "Rooster", "the Changeling", "Horses", "the Chase" and others.
From 1953 — artist Dmitrov porcelain factory; has created a work — "Rysenka" (1954), "bison", "Zebra", "Giraffe", "donkey" (all — is 1957), "Brown bear" (1960), "the wolves are greedy, everyone knows" (1964); wall panels-рельефы: "feeding the deer", "fallow Deer", "North" (all — 1961), "Himalayan black bear" (1961), "Cub" (1962). Also executed a number of decorative vessels and hanging vases. Worked at the Leningrad porcelain factory (pencil "Porcupine", 1958).
Since 1923 — participated in exhibitions. Member of mosskh (SSH, MOSH). Exhibited associations: the Moscow Association of artists (1924), "Art — workers" (FU, 1927). Participated in exhibitions: drawings by contemporary Russian sculptors (1925), all-Union printing exhibition (1927), Moscow sculptors (1937), 1-й the exhibition of animalists (1939), books and book graphics Detgiz (1951), 4-й exhibition of works by book artists (1953), all-Union art exhibitions (1954, 1955, 1957), decorative arts (1955), applied arts 1-му all-Union Congress of Soviet artists (1957), "people's-прикладное and decorative art of the RSFSR" (1958), Republican art exhibition "Soviet Russia" (1960), new masterpieces of art industry (1961), works of Moscow artists-анималистов (1962), "Art and life" (1962; honorary diploma for the picture-рельефы "feeding the deer", "Deer", "North"), "Moscow Artists — 50-летию of October" (1967), "50 лет Soviet art ceramics and glass" (1970) in Moscow; sculpture of mossh (1940), The Republican exhibition of decorative-прикладного art (1964) in Moscow and Leningrad. The participant of many international exhibitions: the International traveling exhibition "Animals in art" (1930, Leipzig, Winterthur, Zurich, St-Галлен, Basel), the International exhibition of modern masterpieces of pottery and porcelain in Cannes (1955), Soviet graphic art and sculpture in Ulan-Баторе and Pyongyang (1956), world exhibition in Brussels (1957; a gold medal for figure "bison", "Zebra", "Giraffe"), Soviet art in Wellington (New Zealand, 1957), International exhibition of ceramics in Prague (1961; honorary award for biscuit composition "Asiatic black bear").
Honored artist of the RSFSR (1971).
he was Buried in Tarusa.
Exhibition of works was held in Moscow (2009 — "Artist Sokolova from the desert"; 110th-летию birthday), Gorlovka (2012).
Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them — of the State Tretyakov gallery, State Russian Museum, the Museum of decorative-прикладного and folk art, State Museum of ceramics and manor "Kuskovo" XVIII century, Gorlovsky art Museum.
In Sokolova desert private open house-музей said.
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