Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Djeneeff
Painter, graphic artist, restorer
of the hereditary nobility. He studied at the Kharkov school, the Academy — Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts in St. Petersburg (1889-1894, with a break) П. О. Ковалевского; Academy Р. Жюльена in Paris (1900-1901). In 1891-1894 he was in military service (he retired in the rank of Lieutenant of artillery). In 1901, for the painting "laying the Kremlin (Koromyslova tower)" received the title of artist.
he Lived in St. Petersburg (Petrograd), Kostroma (1913-1914). Created landscapes, portraits, Nudes, symbolic-аллегорические compositions, sketches of Russian life; worked a lot in watercolors. In the late 1890-х as an artist archaeological expedition visited in Central Asia (Samarkand). Participated in restoration of frescoes and icons in churches of Kostroma (1913 to celebrate 300-летия of the House of Romanov).
the Author of the paintings are: "the Mosque at the cemetery in Samarkand", "the courtyard of the mosque" (both — 1899), "On the river. Passing" (1905), "Ukraine", "Sortie" (both — 1906), "the Maelstrom" (1907), "Moonlit night" (1908), "the Laundress", "In the woods" (both — 1909), "Model", "Sculptors" (both — 1910), "the watering place" (1911), "Twilight", "Helpless" (both — 1912); watercolors — "Horde comes" (1902), "Slave", "At the warm sea" (both — 1914). Works published in magazines "Niva", "Pictorial review".
From 1899 — participated in exhibitions. Member of-учредитель and Secretary of the society of artists. А. И. Куинджи (1909). Exhibited associations: St-Петербургского society of artists (1907), Society of Russian watercolorists (1911, 1914), Association of artists (1912). Participated in the Spring exhibitions in the halls of the Imperial Academy of arts (1899, 1902, 1904-1906, 1908-1914) in St. Petersburg (Petrograd); "group of artists" (1909), St. Petersburg spring exhibitions in the gallery Lemercier (1910, 1911-1912, 1913) in Moscow; Art exhibition of contemporary Russian art in Kazan (1909). The participant of the world exhibition in Saint-Луисе (1904, silver medal for the painting "laying the Kremlin").
In 1915 he was called up for military service. In mid 1916 he was sent to the U.S. inspector for control over the production of artillery shells at a munitions factory in Erie (Pennsylvania). To Russia did not return (most of the creative heritage of pre-revolutionary left in Russia). After the October revolution liaised with the Russian white guard emigration and movement. About 1918 she lived in new-Йорке, about 1919 — St-Луисе (Missouri), where for some time he worked at the factory.
In 1920 he returned to new-Йорк, settled in Manhattan. Engaged in book, magazine and applied graphics (advertising and political posters, calendars), restoration of old master paintings. Worked under orders of Russian Orthodox Church in new-Йорке. Became famous as a portraitist. In 1929-1931, at the invitation М. МакДауэлл lived and worked in the artist colony in new-Хэмпшире. In 1930-е participated in days of Russian child in Paris. In 1937 he was awarded 2-ю prize at the competition of projects of a monument to Nikolay II, organized by the Union adherents memory of Nicholas II.
Exhibition of graphic works ("Russian Odyssey: the Art and times of Ivan Geneeva") was held in Allentown (Pennsylvania, cedar Cross College, 2002).
1. Kondakov С. Н. Список Russian artists. For the anniversary directory of the Imperial Academy of arts. St. Petersburg, 1914. S. 59.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1976, vol. 3. S. 363.
3. artrz.ru.
5. meridian.org.
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