Art Investment


BONCH-ОСМОЛОВСКИЙ Nikolay Georgievich

6 (18) December 1883 (White Church, Kiev province) — 23 августа 1968 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist

From a noble family. Studied in MUZHVZ (1902-1905) С. А. Коровина, С. В. Малютина that went to a private school Ф. Кормона in Paris (1906-1908).

he Lived in Moscow. He painted landscapes, portraits, genre scenes, Nudes. The author works: "the Hunting of swans" (1908, pastel), "mother's Portrait" (1915), "the Jewess" (1918, pastel). Created a mural for the pavilion of Belarus at the all-Union agricultural and handicraft-промышленной exhibition in Moscow (1923). Since the late 1920-х engaged in the development and manufacturing processes of durable paints for easel and monumental-декоративной painting, in particular refractory pastels. Worked as an artist-технологом in the Management of construction of the plant mosaic slabs in the factory "Palette".

Engaged in book illustration, he designed works М. Ю. Лермонтова, П. П. Ершова, А. С. Пушкина. Issued a number of theatrical productions.

From 1912 — participant of the exhibition (the Spring exhibition in the halls of the Imperial Academy of arts, St-Петербург). Participated in exhibitions of the Moscow fellowship of artists (1916), artistic industry in the gallery "Lemercier" (1916), the "OBIS (United art, 1925) in Moscow; Siberian interregional art exhibition (1947; mobile — Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Biysk, Tomsk, Omsk). A member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

he Taught at the studios of Moscow (1908-1920).

In 1936 he was arrested as a participant in the counterrevolutionary organization and was sentenced to 5 years penal-трудовых camps. Despite the application of well-known figures of culture Е. Е. Лансере, А. В. Щусева, И. В. Жолтовского sent in Sahilah in Karelia. Released in 1941.

Work is represented in several Museum collections, among them — of the State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина; the archive (including pictures) — in the Russian state archive of literature and art.


1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Figure of the twentieth century. M., 2006, vol. 3, kN. 1. S. 220.

2. Directory of members and candidate members of the Union of artists of the USSR as of 1 июня 1967 года. M., 1968. S. 99.

3. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. S. 29.



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