Art Investment

Vasiutinsky Anton Fedorovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Antony, Afotsievich, Adolfovich, Afondievich


VASYUTINSKII Anton F. (Anthony Afolabi, Adol, Afendiev)

17 (29) January 1858 (Kamenetz-Подольск Mogilev province) — 2 декабря 1935 (Leningrad)

medalist, sculptor, painter

he Studied at the Kyiv drawing school (1876-1880), in the Imperial Academy of arts in St. Petersburg (1882-1888) as a volunteer first in the class of historical painting, from 1884 — in the medal class. Awarded small (1886 @three mdas, 1887) and large (1887 — two) silver medals. In 1888 for the program to receive a small gold medal "Hercules slaying the three-headed Hydra" was awarded a large gold medal, received the title of class artist 1-й degree and the right to pensioner's trip abroad. In 1888-1893 — pensioner of the iakh; visited Austria, France, Germany. Did the medal designer Ж.-К. Шаплена in Paris.

Lived in St. Petersburg. In 1893-1935 — senior medallist of the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) mint, 1920 — assistant Manager, from 1922 — managing the Medal and auxiliary parts, with 1926 — chief medallist.

Performed a medal in honor of artists А. П. Боголюбова (1891), Н. Н. Гриценко (1893), Н. Н. Каразина (1898), the medal designer В. В. Алексеева (1894); in the memory 50-летия of the Russian archaeological society (1896), in the memory 200-летия Sea cadet corps (1901), 200-летию St-Петербурга (1903), in honour of mining engineer И. А. Тиме (1908), in honor of 200-летнего anniversary of the victory of Peter I over Charles XII at Poltava (1909), in memory 100-летия of the Patriotic war of 1812 года (1912), 300-летию of the Romanov dynasty (1913), as well as the stamps for gold and silver coins of the edition of 1895 года. In 1908 был awarded the title of academician.

In the Soviet period created the stamps of coins of the USSR (1921, 1923, 1924, 1931, 1935). One of the authors of the first emblem of the Russian Republic (1918), the author of the first Soviet chervonets (1922). The author of medals: 3-летие the great October socialist revolution (1920), 150-летию Mining Institute (1923), in honour academicians И. П. Павлова (1923) and А. П. Карпинского (1926), XV International Congress of physiologists (1935), in memory of the arrival В. И. Ленина at Finland station (1935). Completed the final version of the order of Lenin, performed the modeling of a badge "Ready for labor and defense" (1930).

was Engaged in easel graphics, worked in watercolors; landscape.

From 1889 — participated in exhibitions. Exhibited: in the halls of the Imperial Academy of arts (1889, 1891, 1892, 1894, 1908, 1909, 1913, 1914, 1915), 1-й State free exhibition of works of art (1919), 1-й the exhibition of sculpture (1922) in St. Petersburg (Petrograd, Leningrad), the all-Russia industrial and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod (1896). A member and Exhibitor of the society of artists. А. И. Куинджи (1918, 1927).

he Taught at the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts (until 1918), in Leningrad Vhuteine (1925-1930); Professor. In 1925 on the initiative of the artist in the song was revealed to the medal office. Among the students — В. В. Голенецкий, Н. А. Соколов, С. Л. Тульчицкий. The author of the article "Medal art in Russia" ("Proceedings of the all-Russian Congress of artists. 1911-1912". PG., 1914, V. 3).

he was Buried at the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Work is represented in several Museum collections, among them — of the State Russian Museum, State Hermitage Museum, Science-исследовательский Museum of the Russian Academy of arts, State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина and others.

1. Bulgakov Ф. И. Our artists (Painters, sculptors, mosaic artists and engravers). Academic exhibitions of the last 25-летия. St. Petersburg, 1889, vol. 1. P. 74.
2. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Figure XIX century. M., 2007, T. 2, kN. 1. S. 322.
3. Kondakov С. Н. List of Russian artists. For the anniversary directory of the Imperial Academy of arts. St. Petersburg, 1914. S. 247.
4. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. S. 206.

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