Art Investment



10 (22) may 1862 (Kazan) — 1932 (Leningrad)

Painter, graphic artist

the Son of a scientist-зоолога, writer Н. П. Вагнера. General education received in high school К. Мая in St. Petersburg (1875-1876). He studied at Marine College in St. Petersburg and Nikolayev Maritime Academy (1879-1880), the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture at IAH (1894-1900) in a landscape workshop А. И. Куинджи. The advice И. И. Шишкина. In 1899, for the painting "the Rapids" and "Baltic sea" was awarded the title of artist.

Lived in St. Petersburg (Petrograd, Leningrad). Traveled a lot. From 1880 — in military service. In 1883-1885 he made a circumnavigation on the clipper "Rogue" and the frigate "Minin".

Worked as a landscape painter, a painter. Author of painting works: "the Fishermen went" (1898), "the Village" (1900), "In the Harbor" (1901), "Layby" (1905, prize of the competition. А. И. Куинджи), "Skit night" (1909), "Grey day" (1910), "Twilight in the archipelago" (1910), "the Battle of Gangut on 27 июля 1714 года. The first victory of Peter I over the Swedes" (1912), "Black sea" (about 1910), "Guardians of eternal rest" (1915), "Rye compressed" (1916), "the trade winds" (1926) and others.

From 1898 — participated in exhibitions. Exhibited at the Spring exhibitions in the halls of the Imperial Academy of arts (1898-1916), 1-й State free exhibition of works of art (1919) in St. Petersburg (Petrograd). A member and Exhibitor associations: the Northern circle of lovers of fine arts in Vologda (1909), Fellowship of artists (1910, 1916), Society of artists to them. А. И. Куинджи (1918, 1926).

he Taught at the Petrograd (Leningrad) Vhuteine (1922-1929), Professor (1924).

Lieutenant Colonel (1903), Colonel (1909), General-майор Navy (from 1913). Teacher Sea cadet corps — Naval school Working-крестьянского red fleet in St. Petersburg (Petrograd, 1886-1924); the head of the courses Cadets (1915-1917); since 1924 — in retirement.

Work is represented in several Museum collections, among them — of the State Russian Museum, the Central Military-морской Museum and others.

1. State Russian Museum. Painting. The first half of the twentieth century. Directory. And — В. СПб., 1997, vol. 8. S. 99.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. S. 144.

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