Art Investment

Goleizovsky Kasiyan Yaroslavovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Karlovich


GOLEIZOVSKY Kasian ya (Karlovich)

on February 22 (March 5) 1892 (Moscow) — on may 4, 1970 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist, sculptor, ballet dancer, choreographer, dance theorist, poet

the son of the soloist of Opera Я. М. Голейзовского and artist of the Bolshoi ballet Е. Д. Голейзовской. He studied at the Moscow choreographic school of the Bolshoi theatre (1900-1906) Н. П. Домашева, В. Д. Тихомирова, М. М. Мордкина and at the same time attended classes at the Central Stroganov school of technical drawing; then — in Saint-Петербургском choreographic school (1906-1909) М. К. Обухова, С. К. Андрианова, М. М. Фокина.

In 1909, was adopted by the dancer in the Mariinsky theatre, in the same year has passed in the Bolshoi theatre (worked as an artist until 1918). Studied the art of choreography under the guidance of А. А. Горского. Wrote the libretto of ballets (such as "Flowers of Grenada" to the music М. М. Мошковского to tour the Studio М. М. Мордкина in Kiev).

In the late 1910's — early 1920-х worked at the chamber theatre. Director of the theatre-кабаре "the Bat" Н. Ф. Балиева (1915-1916), was a choreographer and artist lectures are: "humoresque Dance" to the music А. А. Архангельского dramatic scenes at work А. С. Пушкина "the fountain of Bakhchisarai", "the Treasurer's wife" М. Ю. Лермонтова, "the Overcoat" Н. В. Гоголя; miniature "Lesson Pavanas" music А. А. Архангельского Opera-буфф "Pharmacist" to the music Й. Гайдна; pantomime "In the carriage" (From the cycle "Day back") and "purple" to the music В.-А. Моцарта.

Studied the production numbers in the entreprise Б. С. Неволина (Е. А. Мосоловой) "Petrograd intimate theatre" ("Choosing of the bride" М. А. Кузьмина, "Goatmen" И. А. Саца; both — 1916, "Three interludes" and "Zaporozhian Cossack" to the music С. С. Гулак-Артемовского) and С. С. Мамонтова "Mamontov's theater of miniatures" ("Moths" to the music А. Н. Скрябина; "Bacchanalia" А. К. Глазунова", "White and black" Ф. Шопена "Teran" К. Дебюсси).

In 1916 he organized his own troupe — "Moscow chamber ballet (Studio Quest)" (1918 — Workshop the art of ballet, Studio of national theatre school and the Theatre school, from 1919 — First exemplary ballet Studio THEO-eighth, 1921 — First state ballet experimental Studio with the Highest Studio of ballet art Studio "Quest" 1922 — Moscow Chamber ballet). Ballet Director: "Faun" to music К. Дебюсси that "Salome" to the music Р. Штрауса That "Fleeting" to music С. С. Прокофьева (all — 1922).

From 1924, after the termination of activity of the Moscow Chamber ballet, for a short time worked at the Bolshoi theatre. Put the ballets "Teolinda" Ф. Шуберта (1925), "Joseph the Beautiful" С. Н. Василенко (1925), "Carmen" Ж. Бизе (1931), "Scrabanian" music А. Н. Скрябина (1962), "Leyli and Majnun" С. А. Баласаняна (1964), dances in operas "Love to three oranges" С. С. Прокофьева (1927), "Prince Igor" А. П. Бородина ("Polovtsian dances", 1933), in concert programs with participation of artists of the Bolshoi theatre — in particular, put the number "Dragonfly" and "Mazurka" music Ф. Шопена for concert О. В. Лепешинской (1943).

the Chief choreographer of the Moscow music-холла (1928-1929), worked at the Leningrad music hall-холле. In 1930-50-е staged in Moscow and Leningrad choreographic schools, theaters of Minsk, Kharkov, Odessa, Lviv, Donetsk, Dushanbe. From 1940 — chief choreographer of song and dance Ensemble of the NKVD.

staged the dance numbers in the films "Aelita" (1924) and "Puppet" Я. А. Протазанова (1934), "Circus" (1936) and "Spring" (1947) Г. В. Александрова.

Studied the production of sports parades on the red square (1938-1940), Participated in the organization of decades of national art of the Soviet republics in Moscow (Usbsr and Belser, 1937; Tajik SSR, 1940; Litssr, 1941).

In different years cooperated with artists П. В. Кузнецовым, Н. П. Акимовым, Г. А. Пожидаевым, А. М. Родченко, А. Г. Петрицким, В. М. Ходасевич brothers В. А. and Г. А. Стенбергами.

throughout his life he actively worked as a painter, graphic artist, sculptor. He studied painting in the workshops М. В. Леблана and Г. Б. Якулова in Moscow, the sculpture @at mdas В. М. Попова. Performed sketches of costumes for their performances, caricatures artists and the theatre, plastic drawings and sculptural sketches depicting the actors in the poses, fixing the stage movement. The author of a series of ironic sculpture "the Western bourgeoisie in Russia" (fabric, cardboard, carpenter's glue).

the Exhibitor of the society of "Free creativity" (1918), thematic exhibitions: "the Art of movement" (1926), "Ballet and dance" (1921) in Moscow.

Honored art worker of the Byelorussian SSR (1940); honored art worker of the Lithuanian SSR (from 1954). The author of the book: "images of the Russian folk choreography" (Moscow, 1964), series of articles about the ballet (published in proc. "Kassian Goleizovsky. Life and work. Articles, memoirs, documents". M., 1984).

the Father of the art critic Н. К. Голейзовского (1938).

Artistic work is represented in many Museum collections, among them — State Central theatre Museum. А. А. Бахрушина the State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина.


  1. the State Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Figure of the twentieth century. M., 2012, vol. 3, kN. 2. P. 66.
  2. Artists theatre Kasian Goleizovsky. 1918-1932. Catalogue of the exhibition. Gallery "Elysium", the Foundation "preservation of the creative legacy Kasian Goleizovsky". M., 2012.

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