Art Investment


PUSHKOV Hilary Fomich

3 марта 1887 (the village of Ust-Логатская Tobolsk province) — 28 июня 1954 (Xuchang Primorsky Krai)

Painter, graphic artist arts-прикладного art

From a family of peasants-старообрядцев. From 1903 he lived in Khabarovsk; worked the truck. Started drawing; took lessons from the artist Radchenko in Khabarovsk. In 1905 with funds the student organization "Association of the city of Khabarovsk" went to St. Petersburg, where he enrolled in elementary school at the Central school of technical drawing of Baron А. Л. Штиглица with 1906 — audited the TSUTR (up to 1912); was engaged in a special drawing class "by weaving-набивному case." He graduated from the School with the title "academic painter" and the right of a pensioner's trip abroad (not held).

In 1912-1914 he worked at cotton-printing factories Serpukhov, Ivanovo-Вознесенска. In 1914 he returned to St. Petersburg. Worked primarily as a landscape painter. Participated in the organization of the Church at the school of folk art. Empress Maria Feodorovna (1916). Exhibited a non-partisan society of artists, Spring exhibitions in the halls of IAH (1918), Petrograd society of artists (1918).

In the second half of 1918 along with his family moved to the far East. Worked as a drawing teacher in the cities of Nikolayev-на-Амуре, Nikolsk-Уссурийский, the villages of Terney, Nizhny Novgorod and others. In 1927 on the orders of the Provincial education Department arrived at the Suchan mine; has been an art teacher in school level II at mine No. 1 в the village of Xuchang. In 1932 he taught drafting and technology metals in the Mining College.

he Painted landscapes of the Far East, the author of a series of thematic pictures ("the First coal mine No. 26", "mine No. 1"); was the participant of group exhibitions in Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk, Ussuriisk, Vladivostok, Xuchang. Held three solo exhibitions in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Xuchang (1940-е). A member of Primorsky branch of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Studied the butterflies; was a correspondent of the Leningrad Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, have discovered two species of butterflies that are named after him. Had a significant entomological collection.

In 2009 во Vladivostok was an exhibition of watercolour paintings.

Work is represented in many regional Museum collections, including the Primorsky state United Museum. В. К. Арсеньева in Vladivostok; in the Museum of the history of Partizansk opened memorial hall И. Ф. Палшкова.

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