Art Investment

Vakhrushov Feodosy Mikhailovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Vakhrushev


VAHRUSHEV (Vakhrushev) Feodosiy michaelovitch

26 февраля 1870 (Totma, Vologda province) — 8 декабря 1931 (Totma, Vologda oblast)

Painter, graphic artist

Of the petty-bourgeois family. He graduated from the Totma district school. In the mid 1880-х, with the support of the widow of a wealthy merchant Cheminova, moved to Tsarskoye Selo. Worked in St. Petersburg of Professor of historical painting of the Imperial Academy of arts М. Н. Васильева then — in the Imperial Academy of arts — Higher art Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts (1888-1897) first as a volunteer, from 1895 — in the Studio И. Е. Репина. During the years of study was repeatedly awarded with medals: in 1890 — small silver, 1891 — two large and one small silver. In 1894 he received the title of class artist of 3-й degree for the painting "Saint George and his servant".

In 1897-1913 lived mainly in Ukraine, after 1914 — in Totma, where he built a house with a Studio on his own project (1906). Repeatedly made the trip on a Small Northern Dvina. Worked as a landscape painter, portraitist, genre painter. Author paintings: "Portrait of father" (about 1893), "self-Portrait" (the first half of 1890-х), "Portrait of mother" (1899), "Fields and ravines" (1900), "Before the storm the Sukhona river" (1904), "Winter landscape" (1904-1905) "the Boy from the village Chkalovsky" (about 1905), "Portrait Л. В. Дилакторской" (1906), "the burnt forest in autumn" (1907), "Under the rays of spring sun" (1908), "Saved on Kokenge" (1909), "First snow" (1909), "Over the river Sukhona" (1910), "far North" (1914), "River of Adegga summer" (1918), "Marina gasproject in Totma" (after 1918). Was engaged in ex-libris.

Worked in Totma local lore Museum; performed for a series of drawings and watercolors "monuments of the Northern wooden architecture" (1918-1930); participated in the acquisition of the collection of the Museum of popular art and the Church of antiquity.

as assistant В. П. Верещагина participated in the painting of the Dormition Cathedral of the Kiev-Печерской Lavra (1900-е); was painting houses in Ukraine. Made the painting in the altar of the upper Church at the Cathedral of the Epiphany in Totma.

From 1907 — participated in exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor of St.-Петербургского (Petrograd) society of artists (1907, 1908, 1911, 1912, 1917, 1918), Moscow society of art lovers (1908, 1910, 1911, 1913), Northern mug lovers of fine arts in Vologda (1913, 1914). Participated in exhibitions: Spring exhibitions in the halls of the Imperial Academy of arts (1907-1910, 1912, 1914), Autumn exhibitions of paintings (1908, 1909, 1912), 1-й State free exhibition of works of art (1919) in St.-Петербурге (Petrograd); 6-й art exhibition of paintings by Northern artists (1918), 1-й exhibition of paintings and drawings of an initiative group of artists-вологжан (1928) in Vologda.

Personal (posthumous) exhibition held in Vologda (1950, 1962, 1999, 2006).

Work is represented in several Museum collections, among them — of the State Tretyakov gallery, Vologda regional art gallery, Nizhny Novgorod state art Museum.

1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Figure XIX century. M., 2007, T. 2, kN. 1. S. 323.
2. Kondakov С. Н. List of Russian artists to the anniversary directory of the Imperial Academy of arts. PG., 1914. S. 34.
3. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. S. 212.

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