Art Investment

Tkhorzhevskaya Alexandra Ivanonva


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Tkhorzhevskaya-Petrova


THORZHEVSKAYA (married — Petrov) Alexandra

10 января 1876 (Tiflis) — ?

Painter, graphic artist

the Daughter of pianist А. А. Тхоржевской, lawyer and journalist И. Ф. Тхоржевского (made poetic translations under the pseudonym Ivan-да-Марья).

he Studied at the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts (1893-1902) in the Studio И. Е. Репина; in 1902 he received the title of artist for the painting "Eve of Easter".

I Lived in St. Petersburg (Petrograd — Leningrad). She was married to artist Н. Ф. Петровым, whom he met while studying in the workshop И. Е. Репина in the Imperial Academy of arts.

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