Art Investment

Valter Irina Vladimirovna


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Valter-Maslakovets


WALTER (Walter-Маслаковец) Irina

13 (26) October 1903 (Bialystok, Grodno province) — 1993 (St-Петербург)


Studied in VHUTEIN in Leningrad (1922-1926) М. В. Матюшина.

Lived in Leningrad. In the second half of 1920-х — early 1930-х worked as an artist-оформитель. Regularly participated in polar expeditions. To book graphics; worked in Detgiz, Uchpedgize, Lenizdat. He drew illustrations to the books: "Three men in a boat" by G. Verdi. К. Джерома (1939), "the Club is amazing professions" Г.-К. Честертона (1941), "Fables" И. А. Крылова (1946), a collection of eskimo tales "stories" (1947), "Stories" Д. Н. Мамина-Сибиряка (1950), "the Chukchi ABC book for schools" (1954), "Forest school" С. М. Бытового (1957, together with П. М. Кондратьевым), "North stories" К. Д. Носилова (1959) and others.

was Engaged in easel graphics; landscape, animal painter.

From 1929 — participant of exhibitions. Member of the Association "Served". A member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Exhibited at the exhibitions of book graphics of Leningrad artists (1947, 1953-1954, 1958, 1962), of works by Leningrad artists (1948), Leningrad: Leningrad Union of artists (1950) in Leningrad.

1. Directory of members of Union of artists of the USSR as of 1 апреля 1988 года. M.,1989. S. 242.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. S. 159.

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