the decorative Artist-прикладного art, technolog
Studied on a scholarship Zemstvo in Krasnoufimskaya agricultural technical school of the Ekaterinburg province (1888-1890); graduated with a masters degree.
After finishing school he worked in Kostroma technical school the head of the workshop on refractory and acid-resistant ceramics. Studied ceramic production on the Russian and Finnish factories.
In 1890 he met С. И. Мамонтовым who invited him in Abramtsevo as head of ceramic technological part of the workshop. In the summer of 1890 was engaged in the device workshop. Until 1896 he worked as a master-технолога, after the translation workshop in Moscow worked there until October, 1903. Was recipes for making paints, watering, chandeliers and enamels. Often self-painted pottery before firing, based on the wishes and sketches of artists.
In 1903-1906 — head of the ceramic workshop Art-промышленной school. Н. В. Гоголя in Mirgorod. In 1907 he opened his own ceramic production "О. О. Гельдвейн — П. К. Ваулин" in Kikerino near St. Petersburg (Chicherinsky factory of art ceramics; after the October revolution — plant "horn"); technical Director of the plant (up to 1930).
From 1918 — Commissioner of the State (Leningrad) porcelain factory Peterhof lapidary factory. Head of the ceramic workshop of Vkhutein in Leningrad (1924). Consultant porcelain factory "Proletary" of the Novgorod province (1930) and the Association "ReSharper".
he Collaborated with М. А. Врубелем, В. А. Серовым, А. Я. Головиным, Н. К. Рерихом, А. Т. Матвеевым and other artists. Since the second half of 1900-х began working as an independent artist-прикладник; executed decorative ceramic panels, fireplaces, ceramic insert, portals.
As a performer and the author participated in the decoration of many buildings: the hotel "Metropol" (1902-1904), Yaroslavl station (mid 1900-х) in Moscow; Provincial Zemstvo in Poltava (1903-1905); of the Trading House of the guards economic society (1907-1909), mosque (1910-1917) in St. Petersburg (Petrograd); Sea Cathedral (1910-е) in Kronstadt. Created a tiled portal for the Russian pavilion at the Hygienic exhibition in Dresden (1911).
Participated in the all-Russia industrial and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod (1896), the world exhibition in Paris (1900; honorary diploma), 5-й the exhibition of the New society of artists (1908), the group of artists "Triangle" (1910 (?)) in St. Petersburg.
Author of several works about the technological features of the manufacture of ceramic products, the situation in the Russian ceramic industry: "How to get rainbow metal chandeliers" (Ceramic review, 1903, No. 14. P. 249-251), "ceramic production in Russia" (the Architect, 1907, No. 20. P. 205-207), "New prospects for the use of a clay raw material of the surroundings of Leningrad" (M., 1929).
the Father of the artist О. П. Ваулиной.
1. Arzumanov О. И., Ljubatovich В. А., Nashchokina М. В. Abramtsevo ceramics in the collection of the Moscow State University of environmental engineering. M., 2000. S. 201-203.
2. Paston Э. В. Abramtsevo. Art and life. M., 2003. S. 405.
3. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. P. 209.
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