painter, graphic
Studied on the physico-математическом faculty of Moscow University (1897-1900) in the Studio К. Ф. Юона and И. О. Дудина (1900-1901), MUZHVZ (1901-1905) А. С. Степанова, А. Е. Архипова, К. А. Коровина, В. А. Серова, Л. О. Пастернака; at the same time continued to attend school Yuon and Dudin. In 1904 for the 1906 figures and to sketch small awarded silver medals. In 1909 he was conferred title of class artist.
he Lived in Moscow and Kaluga. Traveled to Europe (1906), lived in Paris (1908-1909), where he studied etching techniques in the workshop Е. С. Кругликовой, studied drawing in School Ф. Коларосси. The advice engravers-офортистов В. В. Владимирова and С. С. Голоушева (1909-1912).
Participated in the design of revolutionary parties in Moscow (1918), a propaganda train them. В. И. Ленина (1918), painted posters and prints. He headed the Department of etching in a State school of printing under the First model printing house (1919). Worked as a researcher in the library of the Historical Museum (1921), the Print Cabinet of the Pushkin Museum (1925). Supervised scientific-экспериментальными work in the Studio. И. И. Нивинского (1934-1936).
the Author of landscapes, genre, animal, theme songs; worked in various techniques of etching and drawing. The author of easel paintings (etching, aquatint, soft varnish, dry needle, color etching, colour aquatint): "Zebra" (1908), "carpeaux Fountain" (1909), "a Monument to Voltaire" (1911), "Street scene in Paris" (1912), "Isadora Duncan. Scythian dance" (1913), "Birches" (1919), "Dubki" (1922), "Winter" (1923), "the Church in Plyos" (1929), "Shot with “Авроры”" (1934), "Reindeer farm" (1935), "Jumps" (1935), "Turkmen (Turkmen horseman)" (1939), "Calf" (1940), "the Liberation of Kaluga" (1942), "The pursuit of the broken enemy" (1943), "In the village" (1943), "Was the storm" (1945), "Compressed field" (1948), "Night" (1954) and others.
Cooperated with the publishing house "Soviet encyclopedia"; has done the illustrations for the book "Chained Prometheus" of Aeschylus (M., 1935), "the First book about plants" Л. Кона (M., 1947). Created bookplates (А. А. Сидорова, В. Я. Адарюкова). Participated in monumental-декоративных works on VSHV (1937-1939).
From 1907 — participated in exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor associations: the Association of independent (1907), "Moscow salon" (1911, 1913, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1920-1921), Moscow Association of artists (1912, 1913), the Professional Union of artists-живописцев (1918), Union of Russian artists (1923), "Heat-цвет" (1925-1928), Leningrad society of exlibrises (1925-1926), Association of artists-графиков (1927), "the Art of movement" (1928). Member of Professional Union of artists-граверов (1919), the Russian society of friends of the book (1920-1929), section studying books and bookplates all-Union society of philatelists (1929-1935), mossh (SSH — MOSH, 1932).
Exhibited: "Artists of Moscow — victims of the war" (1915), 1@and 2 ndashй-й the exhibitions of Moscow repository of modern art (1919), 1-й exhibition of paintings, drawings and sculpture of the Palace of arts (1919), 3-й State exhibition of paintings (1919), 6-й Public exhibition of engravings (1919), 9-й Public exhibition of the work of the Association of artists of applied arts and artistic industry (1919), "Engraving the USSR for 10 лет" (1927), "drawing for 10 лет of the October revolution" (1927), 1-й traveling exhibition of paintings and drawings (1929), works crews etchers of mossh (1936), Soviet prints 20-летию the great October Socialist revolution (1937), etching, on the 5th-летию the existence of the etching workshop. И. И. Нивинского (1939), "the works of Moscow artists during the great Patriotic war" (1942), landscape (1944), all-Union art exhibitions (1945 — "Heroic front and rear", 1946, 1954, 1955), 1-й the exhibition of etchings by Moscow artists (1956), 1-й exhibition of prints of Moscow artists (1957) in Moscow; paintings, sculptures and art industry in Ryazan (1918); contemporary art in Simferopol (1927); 4-й exhibition of paintings by contemporary Russian artists in Feodosia (1928); "Art ex libris" in Leningrad (1928); drawings (1930), Soviet art of printmaking (1941) in Perm; "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" (1932-1933) in Leningrad and Moscow, and others.
participated in many foreign exhibitions: XIV International art exhibition in Venice (1924); Soviet art in Japan (1927, Tokyo — Osaka @Nagoya mdas), in Winterthur (1929), London (1930, 1934, 1938), Athens (1934), Copenhagen (1936), Oslo (1936, 1938), new-Йорке (1940), Damascus (1955).
his personal exhibitions were Held in Perm (1927), Kaluga (1938), Irkutsk (1940, 1958), Moscow (1944).
he Taught in secondary schools (1904-1906, 1914-1918), School К. Ф. Юона and И. О. Дудина (1916-1917), at the faculty of geography of Moscow state University (1921-1936), she taught etching at the Moscow polygraphic Institute (1933-1934), at the Institute of advanced training of artists books and charts (1935-1936), Moscow Institute of fine arts — Moscow state art Institute. В. И. Сурикова (1935-1958), in the Studio. И. И. Нивинского (1950-е); Professor (from 1940). Member of the Russian (State) Academy of artistic Sciences (from 1923). Author of articles: "the Technique illustrated books of the eighteenth century" (collection of the Book in Russia. M., 1924), "etching Technique" ("Young artist", 1940, No. 8).
Posthumous exhibition of works was held in Kaluga (1964), Moscow (1964).
Work is represented in major Museum collections — State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина, the State Russian Museum.
1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Figure of the twentieth century. M., 2012, vol. 3, kN. 1. S. 193-199.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1976, vol. 3. P. 409-410.
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