Art Investment


VILLEVALDE Alexander Bogdanovich

1857 (St. Petersburg) - date and place of death unknown

painter and graphic artist.

Born the son of renowned painter BP Villevalde. Original art education was under the leadership of his father. He graduated from Commercial College Dr. Wiedemann. In 1877 joined the IAH. In the same year his drawing from life was marked by a small silver medal in 1878 received a small silver medal for the sketch of horses in 1879 - two small and two large silver medals for the sketches and drawing from nature. In 1882 he was awarded a small gold medal for the painting "The Capture of the Turkish outpost and the liberation of the Bulgarian family, in 1883 - a large gold medal for the program now" Chief of the Imperial Army, General Tilly in danger. " In the same year, released from the Academy with the rank of class artist and the right of a pensioner's travel abroad. In 1884-1888 as a pensioner IAH lived in Europe.

worked as battle scenes and animal painter, including painted with the image of horses on the orders of well-known horseman YI Butovich.

Participated in academic exhibitions.


later years of life and creativity of the artist almost nothing is known.

Works Villevalde represented in several museum and private collections, including the State Museum of Horse Breeding (Moscow).

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