Art Investment


ORLOV Nikolay

April 26, 1863 (Moscow) - August 5, 1924 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist

place of the peasants. Initial artistic skills was led by his uncle, iconographer VI Boguslavsky Ogarevo in the village of Tula province. In 1882-1892 he studied at MUZhViZ in IM Pryanishnikova and Vladimir Makovsky. In 1892, for the painting "The Dying" was awarded a large silver medal. In 1892 his family moved to the village Kuleshov Kaluga province, where he painted the church.

worked primarily as a genre painter, devoting most of his works denouncing poverty and injustice Russian pre-reform and post-reform peasants ( "The taxes", 1895 "Seeing immigrants", 1896, "Whipping", 1904, "For Christ's sake , 1905). In 1893-1894 exhibited his works at exhibitions of the Moscow Society of Art Lovers. Since 1896 - Member TPHV, exhibitions Association (1894-1898).

From 1898 he lived in the village Obiralovka near Moscow, since 1902 - in Moscow. A friend of Tolstoy, shared his views. In 1907 - 1910-x repeatedly visited Yasnaya. Summer months of 1909-1912 lived and worked in the estate of the son of the writer Leo Tolstoy S. Nikolskoe-Vyazma Tula province. Tolstoy called Orlov favorite artist, and wrote a preface to an album of reproductions of the artist "Russian peasants" (St. Petersburg, 1909).

In the 1900's, wrote the icons painted churches in Tambov, Tula, Kaluga, Orel province. In 1913-1919 he lived in Lipetsk, where he taught drawing at a girls' school, in 1920-1922 - in the Kuban region, in 1922-1924 - in Maikop. After the 1917 revolution in exhibition activities did not take part.

Orlova works are in many museum collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Ivanovo Regional Museum of Art and others.

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