Art Investment


BOGOLYUBOV Boris Melitonovich

26 марта (7 апреля) 1878 — about 1940 (?)

Painter, draftsman

he Studied at MUZHVZ (1901-1908) Н. А. Касаткина, А. Е. Архипова, В. А. Серова and К. А. Коровина, В. М. Васнецова.

he Lived in Moscow. Worked primarily as a landscape painter. Author paintings: "Neskuchny sad", "Peaceful pond", "Embankment in Moscow-реке" (all — 1910-е), "To spring", "Old Rus", "Autumn in Sokolniki", "March", "Snow", "the Kremlin tower", "After the rain", "Winter Wonderland", "Evening" (all — 1910-е) and others. Works were often reproduced on postcards, produced by Kyiv publishing house "Dawn", then — SFA (Soviet philatelic Association). In 1920-е was painting propaganda train, creating posters; in 1930-е — trademarks, bookplates, book illustrations.

From 1906 — participated in exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor associations: the Moscow society of art lovers (1906, 1908, 1910, 1911), "Independent" (1907-1909), "Free creativity" (1911, 1912, 1915; member-учредитель), "the Link" (1917), Moscow art circle (1918), the art circle "Environment" (1918) in Moscow; the Northern circle of lovers of fine arts in Vologda (1918). Also participated in exhibitions: watercolors and drawings by Russian artists in the gallery Lemercier (1913), "Artists of Moscow — war victims" (1914), paintings by Russian artists of old and new school (1915), 1-й exhibition of paintings, drawings and sculpture of the Palace of arts (1919), 2-й State exhibition of paintings (1919) in Moscow; "Russian book mark" in Kazan (1923).

Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1970, vol. 1. S. 433.

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