Art Investment


TARKHANOV (Tarkhan), Mikhail (Michael) Mikhailovich

4 ноября 1888 (Zenkov Poltava province) — 12 марта 1962 (Moscow)

graphic designer

Childhood and adolescence spent in the Ukraine and in Moscow. Studied at the Central Stroganov-промышленном school (1905-1915). In 1916, drafted into the army; served artist-топографом in Tsaritsyn. In April 1918 wounded, hospitalized, then — demobilized.

he Lived in Moscow. A member of the Union activists applied art and art industry. Director industrial exhibition No. 7 (1919). In June 1919 again called up for military service in the Red army, where he worked as a draftsman. After demobilization he continued his education at the Moscow VKhUTEMAS — Vhuteine (1921-1927) В. А. Фаворского.

was Engaged in easel and applied graphics. Executed abstract compositions, landscapes, portraits, still lifes. Worked in the techniques of woodcuts, monotypes, etching, aquatint. Experimented with various techniques, in particular, invented a kind monotypes @the mdas aquatopia, where Board is used the surface of the water; called works made in this technique, "painting textured improvisations". Designed book covers and endpapers; designed a number of the Soviet pavilions at major international exhibitions in Paris, London, new-Йорке.

Participated in the XI State exhibition of works of the Association of artists of applied arts and artistic industry (1919) in Moscow, the international exhibition "Art of book" in Paris and Lyon (1931-1932), and others. A member and Exhibitor of the society "4 искусства" (1926, 1929). Held a personal exhibition in Moscow (1929).

he Taught at the polygraphic school (1930-1941), was leading figure in the Moscow Institute of applied and decorative arts (1945-1952). The author of the book "Endpapers" (M., 1929) and the article "Textured flyleaf" (Printing production, 1940, No. 2).

a Memorial exhibition was held in 1973 in Moscow.

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина State Russian Museum and others.

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