Art Investment

Indicator of investment risk

Information on indicators of investment risk that are applied at the site

Indicator of investment risk (risk indicator) is a unique tool, developed by experts site ARTinvestment.RU. Indicators of investment risk are used in auction sales (see Artists) and include the following criteria:

  • the demand for works of this artist currently;
  • the ratio "price/quality" represented by works;
  • clarity regarding the attribution of work.

The attribution of most of the works of art is the result of a complex research process and rarely can be considered unique. Indicators of investment risk based on currently available information about the examinations conducted by various expert organizations and also personal knowledge and opinions is known to experts, and are not the opinions about the authenticity.

Opinions of experts about the investment attractiveness of this work is ambiguous (there are differences). Investment risk is high.

Opinions of experts about the investment attractiveness of this work apart. For a final conclusion about the advisability of purchasing this requires more investigations and examinations. Investment risk the average.

The majority opinion of experts about the investment attractiveness of this work are the same. Investment risk low.

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8 800+

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343 000+

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16 000+

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