Art Investment

Auctions of art


Открыты 478-е торги AI Аукциона

В каталоге 26 лотов: 15 живописных работ, 8 листов оригинальной и один — печатной графики, одна работа в смешанной технике и одна икона


Открыты 469-е торги AI Аукциона

В каталоге 25 лотов: 14 живописных работ, 5 листов оригинальной и один — печатной графики, три работы в смешанной технике и две скульптуры


Открыты 429-е торги AI Аукциона

В каталоге 20 лотов: девять живописных работ, восемь листов оригинальной и один — печатной графики, одна работа в смешанной технике и один фарфоровый сервиз


Open 342-е the Auction and 28-й curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — thirty lots: twenty-one paintings, four sheets of an original and two — printed graphics and three works in mixed media.


The results of the Auction No. 341

Sold 14 lots totaling just less than 3.5 million rubles


Open 341-е the Auction and 27-й curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — thirty lots: eighteen paintings, six original leaves and one — printed graphics, two works in mixed media, two sculptures, and one set of seven porcelain plates


The results of the Auction № 340

Sold 12 lots for the sum over 6 million roubles


Sotheby's completed a spring-летний season on a high note

Auction "From Rembrandt to Richter" auction house brought $193 million, bringing the total result of the season up to $1 billion


Still life of Nicholas Feshina sold for $262K at auction in the United States

This result — for best artist this year and the third in the history of its sales outside of Sotheby's, Christie's, Bonhams and MacDougall's


Open 340-е the Auction and 26-й curator's auction "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art"

The master catalogue — 30 lots: 17 paintings, 8 of the original sheets and 1 — printed graphics and one lot in the categories of mixed media, porcelain, sculpture and digital print


Open 339-е the Auction and 25-й curator's auction "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art"

The master catalogue — 30 lots: 16 paintings, 5 original leaves and 1 — printed graphics, 6 works in mixed media, 1 photo and 1 porcelain plate


"The main names of Russian painting 200 years of its history" in the Gallery of Leonid Shishkin

Open online-аукцион No. 116. Closing of the lots will begin on 28 July at 14:00.


Russian art at the summer auction in new Shapiro-Йорке

Works by Russian and Soviet painters, decorative-прикладного art, and outstanding works of European, Asian and American artists — on the summer auction Shapiro July 25, 2020


Christie's holds online mixed-торги old masters and modern art

Auction called Remastered will take place from 21 to 30 July 2020, in the directory — works created in the period from XVI to XXI centuries


The results of the Auction No. 338

Sold 34,3 % of the catalog, totaling about 4 million rubles


Opened 338-е the Auction and 24-й curator's auction "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art"

The master catalogue — 32 lot: 16 paintings, 4 sheets of original and 2 (one lot) — printed graphics, 5 works in mixed media, 1 sculpture, 1 work done by digital printing 2 ceramic composition, 2


Sotheby's has won a lawsuit against those who refused to pay of the buyer

The auction house will receive $2 million as compensation for the difference between the unpaid interest rate and price for which sold work


Auction marathon is ONE of Christie's brought more than $420 million

7 individual records for works by contemporary artists was delivered during innovative hybrid auction held in four main offices of the auction house


The results of the Auction № 337

Sold 13 of 30 lots catalog buyers - Moscow, St-Петербург and Samara


Open 337-е the Auction and 23-й curator's auction "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art"

The master catalogue — lots 30: 19 paintings, 3 sheets of original and 2 — printed graphics, 2 works in mixed media, 1 photography, 1 sculpture, 1 composition, made digital stereo-варио seal, and 1 lot of three objects


The results of the Auction № 336

Sold 9 lots, buyers — Moscow, St-Петербург, Yekaterinburg


Open 336-е the Auction and curator's auction XXII "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art"

The master catalogue — 30 lots: fifteen paintings, three leaves of original and one — printed graphics, seven works in mixed media, one porcelain bowl, one picture and two sculptures


The results of the Auction No. 335

14 lots sold more than 7 million rubles


Auction of Russian and Western European art in the house "Russian enamel"

Auction June 27, the auctioneer will conduct in online mode. Beginning at 14:00. On the auction block 603 lot — painting, drawing, glass, porcelain, silver, enamels, bronzes, etc.


Opened 335-е the Auction and XXI curator's auction "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art"

The master catalogue — 30 lots: eighteen paintings, six original leaves and one — printed graphics, three works in mixed media and two sculptures


Male portrait by Rembrandt sold at auction Aguttes €450,2 thousand

Painting with an estimate of €12 thousand — €15 thousand was the top-лотом auction of old masters Maîtres Anciens: Tableaux et Dessins French auction house


The future of art-рынка — in the development of specialized applications online-продаж

Sure, the former Christie's specialist Loic Gusie that launched last week app Fair Warning


Bidding The World of Picasso Sotheby's auction house raised nearly £5 million

The auction catalog was sold out more than 90 %


"Balloon Venus (Red)" by Jeff Koons sold for $8 million

This is a record price for online-продажи one work of art


The results of the Auction No. 334

9 lots sold for 3 million roubles. Buyers — Moscow, Leningrad, Chelyabinsk and Moscow


Услуги ARTinvestment


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Наши эксперты проведут профессиональную оценку вашего предмета искусства, учитывая его состояние, авторство, историю и другие факторы


Проведенных аукционов

8 800+

Зарегистрированных пользователей на аукционе

343 000+

Записей в базе

16 000+

Художников в базе

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