Art Investment



20 июля (1 августа) 1879 (Moscow) — 1947 (office of the Kalinin region)

graphic artist, painter, decorative artist-прикладного art

a Granddaughter of the collector, merchant, of Irkutsk mayor В. Н. Баснина the daughter of a lawyer and collector Н. В. Баснина; the artist's mother and teacher Н. В. Верхоланцевой grandma engraver М. М. Верхоланцева.

Studied at the Central Stroganov school of technical drawing (between 1897 and 1903) Ф. О. Шехтеля, С. В. Ноаковского, С. В. Иванова, Н. Н. Соболева; graduated with the title of academic painter.

she Lived in Moscow. He worked at the Institute of club work with the children of employees of people's Commissariat of the RSFSR. In 1900-10-х executed sketches for the stained glass (lights, bulbs). Wrote still lifes, landscapes, portraits. Studied design of children's puppet plays.

From 1909 — participant of exhibitions ("Art in a child's life" in St-Петербурге). A member and Exhibitor of the Union of artists and art industry (1919). Participated in exhibitions: "Artists — fellow soldiers" (1914) in Moscow. Her works were exhibited at 8-й exhibition of paintings and graphics by artists-педагогов, Moscow (1954).

In 1937, after the execution of son-in-law М. О. Зюка together with her daughter and grandson was sent to the village office of the Kalinin region.

Work is represented in several Museum collections, among them — smfa. А. С. Пушкина.

1. The Stroganov school. Imperial Central Stroganov-промышленное school: 1825-1918. Biographical dictionary. M., 2007, vol. 2. Pp. 67-68.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1970, vol. 1. S. 299.

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