Studied in Moscow: in the School К. Ф. Юона and И. О. Дудина (1916), art Studio "Venus de Milo" (1916-1917) К. Г. Касцова; at the State free art studios (1918) П. П. Кончаловского, С. В. Малютина; in practical Prechistensky Institute (1922) at the faculty of fine arts at К. А. Коровина, Н. П. Крымова, Н. П. Ульянова, В. А. Ватагина; in VKhUTEMAS (1923) В. А. Фаворского, П. Я. Павлинова, Н. Н. Купреянова.
he Lived in Moscow. Worked in the field of easel and book graphics; was engaged in lithography, linocut. Illustrated books for Moscow publishing houses "Young guard", Detgiz, "Children's world". Collaborated in the magazines "pioneer" (1927), "the Murzilka" (1927), "Screen" (late 1920-х), "Fun" (1956).
have Issued publications: "How the mosquito wikimanual" С. З. Федорченко (1928), "Orange peel" Л. М. Моравской (1920-е), "Sable trace" Э. Г. Багрицкого (1930), "Monkey garden" О. М. Гурьян (1931) "song about rabbits" М. Дона (1932), "the poultry yard" (1936, book-картинка), "Tales of the peoples of the USSR" (1937, published — is 1957), "Mihasik" (1939) and "the Conversation" (1940) Л. М. Квитко, "Little stories" Л. Н. Толстого (1945), "ABC in pictures" (1945, book-картинка), "Suvorov Taught" М. Левашева (1946), "Your holiday" А. Л. Барто (1947), "Stories about animals" Б. С. Житкова (1959), "I — son of a sailor" О. К. Берарева (1960), "We are friendly guys" Н. П. Найденовой (1960), "they say" Р. А. Кушнирова (1963), "Journey to Wonderland" Е. Т. Осетрова (1964) and others.
the Author of a series of easel drawings and watercolors: "Zaporizhzhya aluminum plant" (1937), "Tomilinskaya poultry factory" (1939), "eyewitness" (1957-1964 it). Performed the illustrations for filmstrips: "the Girl from town" (1946), "the Blind musician" based on the novel В. Г. Короленко (1950), "Mumu" according to the story И. С. Тургенева (1952), "Little black Sambo" (1962).
From 1926 — participated in exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor of the Association of artists-графиков (1926-1928), mossh (SSH — MOSH, 1939). Participated in exhibitions: young artists in Moscow (1934), "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" (1934), all-Union art exhibition "industry of socialism" (1939), 2-й exhibition of artists books (1951) in Moscow; exhibitions of Soviet graphic art in new-Йорке (1940) and Soviet art in Florida (1945).
Posthumous exhibition held in Moscow (both — 1982).
Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them — of the State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина and others.
1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Figure of the twentieth century. M., 2006, vol. 3, kN. 1. S. 224.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. P. 63.
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