Art Investment

Alekseev Nikolay Mikhailovich

1813 or 1814–1880

Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Syromyansky, Syromyatnikov, Alexeevich


ALEKSEEV (Siromashki, tanners) Nikolay Mikhailovich

1813 or 1814 (the village of Nikolskoye in the Penza governorate) — 30 мая (11 июня) 1880 (Yaroslavl)

Painter, painter, mozaichist

From a merchant (some sources — bourgeois) family. He studied at the Arzamas school of painting А. В. Ступина (1820-1829); as volnoprihodyaschim student in the Imperial Academy of arts (1829-1831); in 1831 received the title neklassnogo (free) artist.

Lived in Arzamas and St. Petersburg (1843). He painted portraits, genre scenes, paintings on the subjects of works А. С. Пушкина and И. А. Крылова; create paintings and images of churches in Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Uralsk, Arzamas, Pskov. Author of painting works: "the Kidnapping of a merchant's wife Grune Egor Bashlykova, which became the ataman of robbers" (1833), "Boy with a guitar (Torbanite)" (1836), "Artists" (1830-е), "Diana on the hunt" (1846), "Girl at table" (1849), "Gypsy" (1854), "Country boy (Portrait of son)", "Aleko (self-Portrait)" (both — 1859) and others.

In 1836, for the painting "the Family of the artist (self-Portrait with family)" and "Portrait А. В. Ступина" degree awarded "designated" in academics. In 1839 the execution pattern for a given program "Stupin, surrounded by students examining the work of one of them" was awarded the title of academician.

From 1843 he worked on the decoration of St. Isaac's Cathedral; fulfilled song: "the Crossing of the Israelites through the Black sea," "angel, slaying the firstborn of Egypt", "Christ rescues drowning Peter", "the Healing of the leper, Healing the paralytic, Healing the blind man", "the Marriage in Cana of Galilee", "the Repentant sinner" (all — 1843-1850), later — "Holy Apostle Paul" (1857-1861, for the main iconostasis), "Saint Sergius Radonezhsky" (1868-1870), "Saint Mikhail of Tver '" (1870) and others. From 1853 was in the service in the Mosaic Department of the Imperial Academy of arts, 1860-1873 — senior mozaichist; after retirement received a pension from the Academy.

Exhibited in the halls of the Imperial Academy of arts (1830, 1836, 1838, 1839, 1846, 1851, 1861, 1862).

was married to the daughter А. В. Ступина (1834) and helped him in the school of painting in Arzamas. In 1861 after the death of А. В. Ступина was the only heir to the school, but could not get the support of the Imperial Academy of arts; in 1862 was forced to liquidate the institution.

From 1873 he lived in the town of Red Hill Vesyegonsk County Tver province, then — in Yaroslavl. The last few years was in a dire financial situation.

the Works are in many Museum collections, among them — of the State Tretyakov gallery, State Russian Museum, Nizhny Novgorod state art Museum and others.

1. Academy of fine arts from the Foundation to the present day. 1757-2008. Dictionary-справочник. M., 2008, vol. 1. S. 22-23.
2. Bulgakov Ф. И. Our artists. St. Petersburg, 1889. P.12.
3. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Painting of the first half of the nineteenth century. Moscow, 2005, vol. 3. P. 24-25.
4. State Russian Museum. Painting. The first half of the nineteenth century. Directory. And — I. St. Petersburg., 2002, vol. 2. P. 46-47.
5. Kondakov С. Н. List of Russian artists. For the anniversary directory of the Imperial Academy of arts. St. Petersburg, 1914. P.4.
6. Sobko Н. П. Dictionary of Russian artists. St. Petersburg, 1893, vol. 1, vol. 1, STB. 103-107.
7. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1970, vol. 1. S. 102-103.

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