Art Investment


Pikart Peter (Picart Pieter)

1668 (Amsterdam) - 1737 (St. Petersburg)


studied and worked in Holland in the workshop of Shonebeka. In 1702, arrived in Moscow, worked in the Armory assistant Shonebeka, after his death led the engraving workshop of the Armory. In 1708 he was transferred to the engraving workshop at the Moscow Printing House. From 1714 he worked in St. Petersburg publishing house. After its abolition in 1727 received a pension from the Synod.

worked in the field of original prints in the techniques of the tool and etching. During his stay in Russia carried out more than 50 works. The best of them: equestrian portraits AD Menshikov (about 1707) and Peter I (in conjunction with AF Zubov, 1707-1721), "The Battle of Poltava" (1710), "View Battle of Poltava horse-portrait of Peter I (with AF Zubov, 1715), a portrait of Peter I in growth on a pedestal with the image of battle, surrounded by portraits of Russian princes and kings (1717) and others.

known later reprints from the boards Pikart made in the second half of the XVIII and XIX centuries.

Pikart works are in many museum collections, among them - the State Russian Museum, State Hermitage, the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin and others.

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