Art Investment


MALYSHEV, Petr Nikolaevich

1 января 1909 (Moscow) — 1976 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist

was orphaned Early, was brought up in an orphanage. In 1920 — early 1930-х worked in textile factories in the Moscow region. Initial art education has received in the drawing club at the knitting factory. He studied at Moscow art College of memory 1905 года (1931-1935) Н. П. Крымова (graduated with honors); the Moscow Institute of fine arts — Moscow state art Institute (1936-1944) С. В. Герасимова, И. Э. Грабаря, Н. П. Ульянова, А. А. Осмеркина.

At the beginning of the great Patriotic war of 1941 enlisted in the militia, but was withdrawn to finish his education and was evacuated with the Institute to Samarkand.

he Lived in Moscow (1945). Worked primarily as a landscape painter. From 1944 — participated in exhibitions. Member of the Moscow Union of artists. Exhibited: Soviet art and graphics (1949), all-Union art exhibitions (1950, 1951), artists of Moscow (1952-1954), painting, sculpture, graphics and works of artists of theatre and cinema of Moscow and Leningrad (1955), "socialist Moscow in works of Moscow artists" (1957) in Moscow, Soviet artists in Beijing (1958) and others. His personal exhibitions were held in Leningrad (1971, 1972) and Moscow (1973). Honored artist of the RSFSR (1974). The author of the memories of Н. П. Крымове.

he was Buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow. Memorial exhibition of the artist held in Moscow (1976).

Work is represented in several Museum collections.

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