Art Investment



1893 (Moscow) — 5 апреля 1979 (Munich)

Microbiologist, painter, graphic artist

the Son of a prominent microbiologist George Norbertovich gabrichevskogo, brother of the art critic and philosopher Alexander G. Gabrichevsky. In the childhood was engaged in painting the А. М. Корина, the sculpture from С. Т. Коненкова and С. М. Волнухина.

Later became interested in biology. Worked in the Moscow University under the direction А. Н. Северцева. Received a prestigious stipend of the International Board of education in 1924 and received permission of the RSFSR people's Commissariat for foreign trip and went to the USA; worked in the laboratory of the founder of genetics Т. Х. Моргана at Columbia University. Twice extended the time of the trip (in 1926 in connection with obtaining scholarships for the second year) and in 1927 (three months). The Soviet Union never returned. Later he moved to France; worked at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.

In 1930 from-за mental illness was forced to leave research activities; admitted to the hospital near Munich, where he lived continuously (except for the war years, when, in connection with Hitler's orders to destroy the mentally ill, the younger brother of Yuri secretly took him from the hospital and hid in the basement of his house in Munich).

Studied painting and graphics; wrote in watercolor, gouache, colored ink and a fantastic semi-abstract "visionary" composition: "Space", "the Universe", "White dragons", "Fantastic landscape with figures", "Vision" and others.

In the 1960s his work attracted the attention of the founder of the artistic movement ar-брют Ж. Дюбюффе, collectors and Marshal Д. Кордье and А. Шава who bought almost all of the artist's work.

In 1961 in the gallery "А. Шава" in Vence (Alpes-Maritimes Department) held his first solo exhibition. Then exhibitions were arranged in Frankfurt-на-Майне and new-Йорке. In 1960-х several exhibitions took place in Germany, France, and also in new-йоркской gallery "Cordier-Warren" (1961, 1965). A party to the Paris Salon of famous and young artists (1962).

gabrichevskogo Works were exhibited in a retrospective exhibition "Art brut" in Lausanne (1987), the exhibition of the collection Д. Кордье given them the National Museum of modern art in Paris (1989), the exhibition devoted to the 100-летию birthday А. Г. Габричевского in the State Tretyakov gallery in Moscow.

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