Art Investment


BRANDT Vladimir Aleksandrovich

28 сентября (11 октября) 1874 (St-Петербург) — between 1943 и 1945 (Prague)

Painter, architect, graphic

Born in a family of immigrants from Germany. Graduated from real school in Kharkov (1893). He studied at the Institute of civil engineers of Emperor Nicholas at St. Petersburg (1893-1898). In 1898-1899 traveled to the countries of Western Europe, visited Italy, Austria, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway.

Upon returning to Russia was appointed supernumerary building technician for the Department of the Kharkiv provincial government. As assistant architect I worked on the construction of the Cathedral Church of Bogodukhov monastery of the Kharkov province. Carried out projects of estate homes in Kharkov province, created a few South Russian pavilions exhibition of plant industry (1901), the building of the aquarium of the South Russian society of acclimatization in Kharkov. He taught drawing at the art school in Kharkov (1899-1900).

In 1900-1901 served as city architect in Poltava; participated in the design of urban water supply system, completed the project of city school. Stefanovich.

Since the autumn of 1901 to 1905 he taught at the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute; taught classes in architecture, construction law, architectural drawing, drawing, supervised practical training in architectural design.

In 1905 he lived in Munich, where he began to study painting at first independently, and later under the leadership of the Bavarian artist А. Финка that daughter was married. He painted mainly landscapes. In 1910-е exhibited in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Munich.

In 1907-1908 служил city architect in Rostov-на-Дону. He taught at the Warsaw — Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic Institute; extraordinary Professor (1907).

In the late 1910's-х emigrated, lived for some time in Munich, and from 1922 — in Prague, where he took up one of the vacancies created by the government of Czechoslovakia for Russian immigrants; was Chairman of the architectural branch of the Russian educational Board, responsible for the training of Russian students of the architectural Department of the Prague higher technical school. From 1928 — companion (Deputy) Chairman of the Union of Russian artists in Czechoslovakia. In 1930-е was part of the Russian cultural Commission-исторического Museum. Participated in exhibitions of Russian artists.

designed the mausoleum for the fallen Russian and Serbian soldiers, the colonies-общежития for Russian students, and city buildings. The most famous building of Brandt — Orthodox Church of the Dormition at olšany cemetery in Prague, who painted together with К. П. Пясковским and А. Н. Рязановым sketches И. Я. Билибина (1926).

Died in a Nazi prison Pankrac in Prague.

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