painter, graphic
Born in Spain to a family of Communists, during the Civil war in Spain became an orphan and was brought to the Soviet Union; the name and date of birth were given in 1937 by the adoptive parents. He studied at Children's music school at the Moscow Conservatory (1940-1944), in the Children's art school, Krasnopresnensky district, Moscow (1944-1950), the Moscow polygraphic Institute (1950-1955) at the faculty of art-технического of decorations printed products А. Д. Гончарова, И. И. Чекмазова, П. Г. Захарова; the advice А. И. Усачева. In 1955 выполнил thesis — illustrations to the tales Р. Киплинга (M., 1955; reissue — 1978, 1983).
he Lived in Moscow. Regularly went to her trips to the Soviet Union, repeatedly visited and worked in Tarusa and the surrounding area.
was Engaged in easel and book graphics; worked in various original techniques (ink, watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, tempera, pastel), and print (woodcut, color lithograph, linocut, etching) graphics. Executed landscapes, portraits, still lifes, genre scenes. The author easel cycles: "Tarusa" (1963, lithograph, charcoal, pencil), Moscow (1965-1967, lithograph; diploma Art Foundation), "М. Плисецкая in the ballet “Кармен-сюита” Р. К. Щедрина", "Ballet “Спартак” А. И. Хачатуряна", "Ballet “Легенда about love” А. Д. Меликова", "Ballet “Дон-Кихот” Л. Ф. Минкуса" (all — 1967, color lithograph), "Landscape of Leningrad" (1977, charcoal, watercolor, gouache), "eyewitness" (1970-е, woodcut). In the second half of 1980-х performed sketches at the December evenings at the Pushkin Museum to them. А. С. Пушкина which subsequently made a number of lithographs.
Collaborated in the publishing of children literature, Geografgiz, "Children's literature", "fiction", "Foreign literature", "Soviet artist", "Soviet Russia", "Mir", "Progress", "Baby". He has designed and illustrated over 200 книг, among them — "Elephant" (1956) and "Where did the armadillos" (1992) Р. Киплинга "the History of Karongi-эму" Л. Рииса (1957), "Sea horse" В. Т. Коржикова" (1958), "How do I catch wild animals" Ч. Майера (1959), "the Dove and the grain of wheat" Н. А. Юсупова (1959), "Was or was not (Afghan moral stories and fairy tales)" (1959), "Traces of unprecedented animals" И. И. Акимушкина (1961), "What would happen if..." Г. А. Балла (1962), "Ballads" Л. И. Ошанина" (1965), "Corner of Durova" С. Я. Маршака" (1966), "Tricky Biberach (Dagestan tales)" (1968), "Doctor Aibolit" К. И. Чуковского (1969, diploma 2-й degree at the all-Union competition "the Best publication 1969-1970 годов"), "visiting grandma Candice" А. Л. Гарф (1970), "Novels and stories" Ч. Айтматова (1970), "Voices of the rainforest" О. Кирога (1971), "Pro kid-охотника Bacho" О. Иоселиани (1988), "Domesticated animals" (1988, colouring), "Ayhan and Bayhan" К. Тангрыкулиева (1989). Drew for magazines "Around the world", "Science and religion", "Murzilka". Created projects book characters.
Together with М. П. Митуричем made the paintings for the Museum of paleontology in Moscow (1986, silver medal of the Academy of fine arts).
From 1956 — participated in exhibitions. Member of Moscow artists ' Union (since 1961). Participated in exhibitions of book graphics (1957, 1959), a print of the Moscow artists (1960, 1966, 1967), young artists of Moscow (1961), "Young artists print" (1962), Moscow artists-анималистов (1962), Moscow painters (1966, 1970), "Artists of Moscow — 50-летию of October" (1967), 3-й the all-Union exhibition of printmaking (1967), the Republican art exhibition "Soviet Russia" (1970). Works were exhibited at the exhibitions of Soviet art in Paris (1956), Belgrade (1966, 1968), London, Tokyo, Mexico city, Berlin (1967), Budapest (1968); the international exhibitions of book art in Leipzig (1959) and Brno (1967). His personal exhibitions were held in Moscow (1958, 1961, 1967, 1969, 1989); a joint exhibition with И. Л. Бруни and М. П. Митуричем Moscow (1973).
Honored artist of the RSFSR (1989), laureate of the State prize of Russia (1993), people's artist of Russia (1997).
Tragically died as a result of domestic conflict. Posthumous exhibitions were held in Moscow (2000 — "with Your eyes", 2008, 2012 — "Victor duvid. The Expansion Of The Universe"), Arkhangelsk (2004), Ulyanovsk (2012).
the Work presented in the State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина, the State Russian Museum.
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