Art Investment

Beltsova Alexandra Mitrofanovna


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Beltsova-Suta


BEĻCOVA (beltsova-Сута) Alexandra Mitrofanovna

5 (17) March 1892 (Novozybkov of Bryansk governorate) — 1 февраля 1981 (Riga)

Painter, graphic artist arts-прикладного art

From the family of a farmer, received a knighthood. He studied at Penza art College (1912-1917) И. С. Горюшкина-Сорокопудова, Н. Ф. Петрова, А. И. Штурмана. He studied under the guidance Н. И. Альтмана in Petrograd (1918-1919).

Lived in Riga (1919); was married to artist Р. Сута (1922). In 1922-1923 traveled with him to Europe; visited Berlin, Paris. Closer to И. А. Пуни and К. Л. Богуславской met Т. Маринетти, Г. Гроссом and other representatives of the artistic avant-garde. In 1920-х passed through passion cubism, creativity П. Пикассо, Ж. Брака, Ф. Леже. Together with her husband organized a workshop for porcelain painting "Baltars" ("the Art of the Baltic"); executed painting decorative plates and vases ("Mask", 1925; "African motif I. Fantasia", 1926; "Mother and daughter", 1927).

he Painted portraits (Я. Райниса, 1923; choreographer Е. Тангиевой-Берзниек, 1945; artists Л. К. Аузы, 1957; М. Е. Бирите, 1958; Opera singer Ж.-Л. Гейне-Вагнер the role of Tosca, 1958; actress Я. Панкрат, 1961; ballerina И. Гаптер, 1964), landscapes, still lifes; engaged in book illustration, satirical graphics. Designed children's books for Tatgosizdat: "Sasha's book" А. Т. Кононова (1947, together with В. Р. Дишлером), the tale "Teremok" (1951, together with В. А. Крегер), "My fairy tale" Ю. А. Жемайте (1953) and others.

From 1920 — participant of exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor of the group of Riga artists (1920-1924), society "Green crow" (1927-1931), society Riga graphs. He exposed his works at the International exhibition art-декоративных arts in Paris (1925), exhibition of modern Latvian art (1934), all-Union art exhibitions (1957, 1961) in Moscow, 1-й the exhibition art of Latvssr (1941), art exhibition dedicated to the 5th-летию Soviet Latvia (1945), exhibitions of Latvian artists (1947, 1949, 1951), Republican art exhibition (1954) in Riga and other. His personal exhibitions were held in Riga (1928, together with Р. Сутой 1962, 1972), Tucuma (1962), Leningrad (1972/1973), Liepaja (1974), Jurmala (1977). Since 1945 — a member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

a Memorial exhibition Beļcova were held in Riga (1984), liepāja and Madona (1985), Valmiera (1986).

the Works are in many Museum collections, among them — national art Museum of Latvia in Riga, the Museum of the Sevres porcelain factory and others. In Riga was opened a memorial Museum-квартира Aleksandra beļcova and Romans Suta.

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