Art Investment


Nicholas WACKER (Wacker Nicolas)

19 декабря 1897 (Kiev) — 13 апреля 1987 (Paris)

Painter, graphic artist arts-прикладного art, copyist

From a family of Russified Germans, textile manufacturers. He spent his childhood in Ukraine on the estate of godmother — Princess Dolgoruky. In 1911 he began to study painting. Studied at the classical gymnasium in St. Petersburg (1912-1915). In 1915 he returned to Ukraine; worked as a languages teacher in a rural school.

In 1917, at the invitation of her aunt from Germany and with German fake passports along with the family emigrated via Odessa to Berlin. Studied architecture and painting in the Studio К. Хоффера at the Higher school of fine arts in Berlin (1922-1926), philosophy at the Humboldt University.

In 1926 he moved to Paris along with her friend, artist Ш. Хеншель. For some time he studied under the guidance А. Лота. Passed through passion cubism; met Ж. Браком, М. Дюшаном, С. Мартином, С. Делоне and other representatives of the artistic avant-garde. He worked as an assistant teacher and cubist Р. Биссьера at the Academy П. Рансона (1928-1939); held her first solo exhibition (1935). He exposed his works at the salon d'automne (1927-1929), a number of group exhibitions in Paris. A member of the "Témoignage".

Participated in the design of the ABC pavilion at the world exhibition in Paris (1937), the wine pavilion at the world exhibition in new-Йорке (1939).

In the period of the Nazi occupation of France was arrested as a German (1939) and sent to the camp Villebon near Blois. In February 1940 released, returned to Paris. In may of the same year arrested again as a refuge from military service, but found unfit for military service; changed several places of residence. Since December, he worked as a restorer at the art Museum in Albi (Department tarn). Had the opportunity to paint and graphics and has completed a series of pen-drawings in the cubist style. Released in October 1942.

it was also at the invitation Р. Биссьера settled in his house in the village near the city Boissièrettes Casals in the Department Lo-и-Гаронна; subsequently rented a house in the town of La Case in the same region and equipped in its workshop.

In 1952 he returned to Paris, he often visited La-Казет. Engaged in weaving, made of cloth of coarse wool for fashion houses. In 1950-60-е written copies of the works of the old masters (Lucas Cranach the Elder, Jan Brueghel the Velvet, Francesco Cosa); has signed a contract with the American art company, selling copies of old paintings on religious themes.

In those same years, became interested in abstract art and created a series of abstract gouaches.

he Taught the technique of painting at the National school of fine arts in Paris (1969-1981). In 1987 in the chapel of the school held a retrospective exhibition of the artist.

the Memorial exhibitions of the artist took place in Montgeron (1995), Rambouillet (2001).

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