Art Investment



20 апреля (2 мая) 1870 (Moscow) — 1944 (Petrovgrad, Yugoslavia)

Painter, graphic artist

From a noble family; grandnephew-романиста И. И. Лажечникова. He graduated from the Moscow real school К. К. Мазинга. He studied at the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts (1897-1901) as a volunteer in the workshop А. А. Киселева. In 1901 he received the title of artist for the painting "On the river Khmara", "Quiet evening". He was also involved in Teaching courses at the Imperial Academy of arts (1898-1899) and attended a course of lectures at the Archaeological Institute (1901).

Lived in St. Petersburg. Worked primarily as a landscape painter, wrote still lifes, portraits, interiors. In 1905, together with the dramatic actor В. Р. Годиным organized in St. Petersburg artistic development Classes where they taught painting, sculpture, General psychology and the art of expressive speech.

Together with А. В. Маковским organized the publication of the postcard (1900-1910), which published the paintings of Russian artists, mostly of the Wanderers.

Exhibited at the Spring exhibitions in the halls of the Imperial Academy of arts, TPHV (1900-1903), St-Петербургского society of artists. Member of society of artists "Mossanovski Mondays"; in the halls of society (English embankment, 6) had a solo exhibition (1915).

In 1920 he emigrated to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes; lived in the Great Beckerek (Petrograd, now — Zrenjanin). Continued to engage in artistic activities. Participated in exhibitions of Association of Russian artists in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (in 1928), a Large exhibition of Russian art (1930), Russian art society (1933) in Belgrade.

he Taught at the gymnasium in the Great Beckerek @the mdas Petrograde (1923-1941).

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БЕНУА Альберт Николаевич (1852–1936) Променад вдоль водной глади. 1915 (31,6 × 48,6 см в свету)

Current bid60000 RUB
End time2024-06-28 12:00
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ЖАРКИХ Юрий Александрович (1938) Голубое яблоко. 1994 (55 × 46 см)

Current bid200000 RUB
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РУХИН Евгений Львович (1943–1976) Оторванный замок. 1969–1970 (95,5 × 100 см)

Current bid50000 RUB
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