Art Investment



1903 (Balakhna) — 1989 (Moscow)

in Front of you — autobiography С. А. Павловского in the original handwritten. The text is published with minor editorial corrections and editorial comments (in parentheses) and the additions (in square brackets). — AI.

was Born in Balakhna, Gorky region in 1903 г. Finished secondary education and, since childhood, engaged in painting and sculpture, after high school, he worked as an artist-декоратором in local people's house and an art teacher in orphanages starving children of the Volga region (1921-1923 гг.).

Then went to study in Nizhny Novgorod Art College, where he taught А. В. Куприн and А. В. Фонвизин.

after Finishing School in 1925 г., he entered the Moscow art school (VKHUTEMAS). He graduated in 1930 г., Department of monumental painting with professors: К. Н. Истомина, Н. М. Чернышева, Л. А. Бруни, П. В. Кузнецова and В. А. Фаворского.

further continuous contact and collaboration with the aforementioned artists had continued for many years. As a student, in summer vacation of 1927 г. themselves painting a mural in the people's house in Gorodets on the Volga. The period from 1930 to 1935 г. worked on contracts with various agencies and in workers ' clubs on the design of exhibitions.

In 1934 г. participated in easel painting in the I youth exhibition (exhibition of young artists in Moscow (1934, the state historical Museum, Moscow). — AI.).

In 1935 г. under the leadership of В. А. Фаворского worked on the project of painting the ends of the houses in the village at the Gorky automobile plant.

From 1936 г. by 1941 г. worked as an artist-монументалистом in the Studio of the Academy of Architecture in the team, consisting of 30 художников, together with Л. А. Бруни, Н. М. Чернышевым, М. С. Родионовым, А. Д. Гончаровым, В. Б. Элькониным, К. В. Эдельштейном, Б. П. Чернышевым, Г. С. Павильоновым, А. И. Сахновым and others. From independent work completed: painting of the school in Stalingrad, painting in the Palace of pioneers in Kalinin, the painting of the ceiling in the theater of the Soviet Army in Moscow, the painting of the towers of the gateway of the Moscow canal — Volga, the paintings in the Museum of maternity and infancy Moscow, painting and sculpture in the pavilions-Union agricultural exhibition and many other less significant by volume. Also in the Studio led continuous experimentation in different materials of monumental art and was engaged in easel painting.

[In 1940 became a member of the Union of Soviet художников. — AI.]

In 1942 г. was called up on mobilization in the Soviet Army, where in 1945 г. in reserve infantry regiment was employed as the regimental artist, performing training-методические posters for military-технической training units. At the same time in the unit did a lot of ornamental paintings in the barracks, the officer's club and the hospital. On demobilization in autumn 1945 г. went back to work in the Studio of the Academy of Architecture, who began to work in the same composition.

In the period from 1945 по 1948 (before the closure of the Studio) has done several monumental paintings. The most significant of them: the frescoes in the nursing home sanopro the Kremlin.

1948 по 1957 выполнено several paintings in collaboration with the artist К. В.Эдельштейном and yourself such as the painting of the Green theatre in the recreation Park them. Gorky in Moscow, the paintings at the exhibition centre, the bas-relief at the metro station "Botanical", a mural in the drama theatre in Ulan-Удэ, etc. [In 1958 состоялась joint exhibition with К. В.Эдельштейном in the exhibition hall of Moscow artists Union of the RSFSR on the street Жолтовского. — AI. ]

From 1956 to 1964 he directed me organized experimental workshops monumental-декоративного art at the decorative plant-оформительского art Mohpa of the RSFSR.

In 1960 г. fulfilled in the mosaic team at the Leningrad station in Moscow, and in 1962 году — ceramic panels in Karaganda.

the Accumulated experience of experimental work in the field of technology of monumental-декоративного art has allowed me to write a book called "Materials and equipment monumental-декоративного art" on the instructions of the Central Art Fund of the USSR, which is currently prepared for printing and will be released by publishing house "Soviet Artist". This major work, the encyclopedia of the technique of fresco and the materials summarising the latest knowledge and experience in this area.

Participated in 1, 2, and 3-й exhibitions artists-монументалистов, on spring and autumn exhibitions, the exhibition dedicated to the 30th-летию of Moscow Union of artists, in two exhibitions "the Soviet Russia" with mosaic and paintings.

In 1965 г. solo exhibition of painting and sculpture in connection with the sixtieth birthday and the fortieth anniversary of creative activity. [The exhibition was held in exhibition hall of Moscow artists Union of the RSFSR on the street Жолтовского. — AI. ]

the Theoretical work was expressed in public speeches at the meeting of artists of the section, in the reports on the formal problems of art.

In 1966-1967 выполняется great work on the design of external decoration of the city-спутника Moscow (Zelenograd).

For the anniversary exhibition is made stained glass that is currently in the Central exhibition hall Manege.

currently working on a mosaic mural on the theme "the dawn of the space age" at the metro station "Dobryninskaya" in Moscow.

С. Павловский. 18 августа 1957 года

[Supplemented by the author] In 1956-58 занимался pedagogical work at the Moscow Higher Art School (Stroganovsky) on branch of monumental painting. He participated in international exhibitions in Brussels (1958), Paris and London (1961).

[Additions to biography:

1973 — personal exhibition in the building of the RSFSR artists ' Union in Begovaya street.

1975 — by publishing house "Soviet artist" monograph С. А. Павловского "Materials and equipment monumental-декоративного art".

1986 — solo exhibition at the Kuznetsk bridge, 20.

2009 — solo exhibition in the gallery "vellum"].

AI thanked Alexander Pavlovsky, grandson of the artist, for giving an autobiography.

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