Art Investment



February 15, 1798 - 1832

Painter, graphic artist

Biographical details are few.

pupil Provincial Secretary Alexandrov. In 1806 enlisted in the IAH. In 1814 and 1815 was awarded the small and large silver medals for drawings from nature. However, as seen in the bad behavior "is devoid of awards and in 1817 the number of students expelled from the Academy. Repeatedly filed petitions to the Minister of Religious Affairs and Public Education Prince AN Golitsyn and president IAH AN Olenin on the issuing of a certificate of degree 1 for the title of class artist "because of its correction, as well as the appointment of the program for the title of academician "to batallicheskoy painting", but to no avail.

Served portraits in order, preparatory drawings for subsequent transfer to the printing press, he worked as the battle scenes.

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Auction sale in AI Auction

ГРАЧЁВ Василий Яковлевич (1831–1905) Черкес с молодой черкешенкой, спускающиеся с гор верхом на лошади. Конец 1870-х (34 × 30 × 16,4 см)

Current bid600000 RUB
End time2024-07-05 12:00
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БАРТ Виктор Сергеевич (1884–1947) Натюрморт с цветами. 1920‒30-е (46 × 37,9 см)

Current bid50000 RUB
End time2024-07-05 12:00
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РАЧКОВ Николай Ефимович (1825–1895) Деревенские проказники. Первая половина 1870-х (53,5 × 40,8 см)

Current bid110000 RUB
End time2024-07-05 12:00
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