sculptor, graphic artist.
born in the family of the actor-comedian of the imperial stage in St. Petersburg. Original art education was under the direction of FG Solntsev. In 1827 enrolled in an educational school with IAH in 1831 in connection with the reorganization of the Academy is excluded from enrollment. Secondary adopted in IAH in 1832. In 1836, defined in the sculptural class BI Orel, from 1837 worked under the supervision of SI Galberga. During the period of study took all existing academic awards: in 1836 - a small silver medal in 1837 - a large silver medal for the relief of "The Temptation of the Savior in the wilderness" in 1838 - a small gold medal for the team "Milo of Croton, tormented by a lion, in 1839 - a gold medal for the round figure Faun with the kid. " At the same time released from the Academy with the rank of class artist 1-th degree and a pensioner's right to travel abroad for six years.
in 1839 carried out some monumental-decorative works for the Winter Palace, traveled to Moscow, where he studied the historical monuments. In 1840-1842 participated in the creation of two monuments on sketches Galberga - NM Karamzin in Simbirsk (shared with the sculptor Alexander A. Ivanov, PA Stavasserom, K . Klimchenko MA) and the Derzhavin in Kazan (in conjunction with Klimchenko).
Only in 1843 sent a pensioner in Italy. He worked in Rome, where he met AA Ivanov, Nikolai Gogol. In 1846, summoned to St. Petersburg before the end of a pensioner's life in connection with the complication of relations with the papal police and director of the Russian colony of artists in Rome. In 1846 he lived in St. Petersburg, in 1847 he moved to Moscow, where he was invited to the opening class of sculpture MUZhViZ. In 1847-1861 - a teacher, from 1861 - Senior Lecturer School. Among his pupils - S. Ivanov, M. Chizhov, VS Brovsky, NA Blistanov and others.
in 1846-1847 by order of Admiral MP Lazarev executed reliefs for the building of an officer's library Sevastopol. In 1848 created eight round bas-reliefs depicting the "four seasons and four times of the day" for the name of Count VP Davydova. In 1849 a group of five sculptured figures for epitaphs DP Shipova.
In 1849, for the sculptural work and teaching was awarded the title of Academician. In the same year was elected to the Council of IAH. In 1850, for the model of Slavic trophies for the Alexander Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace was awarded a gold medal. In 1856-1857, three molded high relief for the pedestal of the monument to Nicholas I in St. Petersburg. In 1858, approved the rank of professor of sculpture 2-degree "of his famous works and in respect of the benefits brought by teaching for 12 years ..." In 1862-1863 created a tombstone MA Ofrosimova. At the end of 1860 participated in the sculptural decoration of the Temple of Christ the Savior in Moscow.
Ramazanov - one of the greatest sculptors of the academic direction of the mid XIX century. He worked in the field of easel and monumental, memorial sculpture. Was a skilful moulder (removed death masks of Gogol and VG Belinsky), and draftsman who have shown themselves in the field of satirical graphics.
important place in his art works occupy genre. Even mythological subjects (Faun with the kid ", 1839) interpreted them in terms of purely genre with a strong tendency to naturalistic detail of the image, while at the same time with a touch of" beauty "salon».
Ramazanova significance in the history of art is determined not only his own creativity, but also literary and teaching activities. He compiled "Materials for the history of Art in Russia" (Moscow, 1863), wrote several articles, which are a kind of artistic chronicle of the mid XIX century. As a staunch supporter of the conservative academic system, Ramazanov, however, has encouraged the gravitation of his students (Chizhov, Ivanov) to the genre subjects, supporting, therefore, the development of the realistic tradition in sculpture.
the master's works are in many museum collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, State Historical Museum, the All-Russia Pushkin Museum and others.
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