Art Investment


MANUKOV Michael N.

21 июля 1900 (Kozinka village of Orel province) — 1969 (Kiev)

Painter, graphic artist

he Studied in art College Tsaritsyno (the first half of 1920-х, graduated in 1925), Moscow Institute of advanced training of artists-живописцев and decorators in Moscow (1935-1937).

he Lived in Moscow, from 1949 — Kiev.

Carried out the landscapes, thematic compositions.

From 1929 — participant of exhibitions (4-я exhibition of artists of Novgorod in Novgorod). Exhibited: 5-й of Moscow painters (1937), all-Union art exhibition (1949), artists-маринистов USSR 1954 года (1954) in Moscow, "Ural — forge weapons" in Sverdlovsk (1944), drawings and sketches of the brigade of artists-фронтовиков (1944), Republican art exhibitions of the USSR (1945, 1949, 1954, 1957), political and cultural posters (1950), 3-й artists-маринистов (1953) in Kiev.

a member of the Union of artists of the USSR (from 1940).

Услуги ARTinvestment


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